A Nightmare 2

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Today was the last day that Michael goes to court to fight for his innocence.

"Daddy.. please don't leave." Paris said running to Michael, hugging his leg. He bent down to pick her up.

"Paris get back here." Rebecca said following behind Paris.

"Daddy has to leave Paris. I wish I didn't have to go, but I do. Nanny Rebecca will be here with you until I come back, okay?"

"Okay daddy, I love you." Paris kisses Michael on the cheek.

"I love you too, princess." Michael placed a kiss on her cheek.

"Good luck with today Mr. Jackson. I'm sure you'll get the Justice you are looking for." Nanny Rebecca said.

Both Prince and Paris stayed at home with their Nanny Rebecca.

Michael couldn't wait to get this day over and done with. Katherine was Michael's biggest support system, so she went with him.

After days and hours of fighting for his innocence, Michael was proven to be innocent on all 10 counts. He won his criminal charges.

Michael didn't know what to do with himself. There was just a tremendous amount of pressure lifted from his shoulders.

Katherine was also relieved that this was finally over. Michael done won, not even for a second did she ever doubt him. Katherine was overly excited for him.

Michael leaned over and gave his mother a kiss on the cheek, pulling her in for a tight hug.

"What was that for?" Katherine asked, honestly curious.

"Thank you for everything mother. If it weren't for you, I would have done killed myself.. or try to at least." Michael whispered, only so she could hear.

"Mikey, I am your mother. I will always be by your side no matter what the circumstances are. I love you so much." She pulled Michael into a hug giving him a kiss on the cheek before they walked outside.

As soon as Michaels foot stepped outside, thousands of fans were outside cheering him on

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As soon as Michaels foot stepped outside, thousands of fans were outside cheering him on. They were holding signs "MICHAEL JACKSON IS INNOCENT!" "THE KING OF POP IS INNOCENT!" Michael had the biggest smile on his face, knowing that still some of his true supporters believed in him, and not those horrific allegations.


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They were screaming, "MICHAEL! MICHAEL! MICHAEL! MICHAEL!"

Michael was so overwhelmed with joy that he stood on top of a car.

Screaming, yelling, overly excited fans were cheering him on

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Screaming, yelling, overly excited fans were cheering him on.

After he entertained his fans, he got in the car, heading home. He couldn't wait to go home to his two babies and relax for once.

It didn't take long for news outlets to report the news.

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But that didn't stop people from spreading the word that he paid millions for the civil case

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But that didn't stop people from spreading the word that he paid millions for the civil case. Millions around the world still believe he is guilty because he paid it. No one ever looks at the criminal cases that he won, that's what really matters.

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