Michael's 30th Birthday

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Michael gently wrapped his hand around my exposed neck, leaning down kissing it.


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"Michael.." I softly moaned.

I was absolutely melting on the inside. It has been so long since I've been touched or kissed by Michael.

"M-Michael.. we can't." I said refusing, pushing him away.

I was very surprised that I was strong enough to even push him away. Especially since I have wanted him for so long.

"And why can't we?" He questioned taking a step forward.

"It's your birthday Michael. You have a group of people out there, that wants to celebrate it with you, especially Ella."

"Stop bringing Ella into this. Ella and I aren't together, Ava. I will be out there when I get done taming your ass."

I wasn't falling for his bull shit. There is no way in hell that he would allow a woman to kiss him just because.

"Right, so you just let all your 'female' friends kiss you?"

"She kissed the corner of my mouth, Ava. Ella is just a very special friend of mine."

"I'm sure she is." I rolled my eyes.

"She is," Michael pushed me back until my back hit the wall. "but you are my girl. You always have been."

Michael attached his lips to my neck again.


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"Michael.." I moaned again softly. "Your birthday party."

"It will still be there when I get done with you. All I wanted for my birthday was you anyways."

"What about your presents?"

"I'm about to bust one open here in just a few."

He wasn't letting this go. No matter what I say, he always has a comeback.

Michael stopped kissing my neck just to look at me for a few seconds.

He came forward again with his hands holding my face kissing me. I went to go touch him, but as soon as I did, he grabbed my hands, raising them above my head.

His hands started touching and caressing my body.

"I can't wait to see, touch and taste your body. I bet you still taste phenomenal like you always did. And I can't wait to feel you cause the only dick you are going to ride like a horsey is mine." Michael whispered.

Michael put his hands under my shirt, rubbing my hot stomach.

His big hands made its way to my bra squeezing and groping my breasts.

Michael pushed his body weight against me, I could obviously feel his extreme erection.

Carefully, he took my shirt off, picking me up, laying me flat on the bed, with him hovering over me and his loose curls tickling my forehead.

With his knee in between my legs, he raised up long enough to unbutton his shirt, taking it off. And then he slipped my shorts off.

I miss his body. I miss seeing him like this. I miss how fucking sexy he always was. I miss being intimate with him.

Michael leaned over me again attaching his lips to the side of my neck. He held onto one of my legs, rubbing it up and down softly.

Michael started kissing across my breasts, rubbing his thumb lightly over my bra making my nipples hard. He pulled the right cup down, blowing cool air on my nipple before attaching his mouth around it.

As soon as I felt his warm wet tongue, I arched my back. I didn't notice that he unsnapped my bra until he was pulling the straps down my arms. After a few minutes he moved on to my left boob.

His hips started grinding against my very aching area. Each contact he made, it just made me weaker and weaker.

He trailed wet kisses down my naval, all the way until he was face to face with what he craved the most.

He pulled my panties down and off of my legs. But before he did anything else, I flipped him around to where he was now laying down on his back.

"What are you doing?" Michael questioned when I was sitting on top of him.

"You are the birthday boy, and the birthday boy gets special treatment."

"You are going to kill me." Michael mumbled.

I bent down close to his lips and whispered.

"Only slowly baby."

I raised back up, to unbuckle his belt, unbutton and unzip his pants. He was solid rock hard.

I grabbed the elastic waist band on his boxers, pulling down and away from his body. Michaels dick sprung free like a spring shooting out of a pen. And the way he moaned from being released by being restrained, caused me to yearn for him more. And the way he groaned when I wrapped my hand around his erection made my body ache more for him.

I started slowly moving my hand up and down his shaft. Michaels hips started moving in the rhythm of my hand with his eyes closed.

I stopped what I was doing just to slide myself down on top of him.

It hurt - nonetheless it hurt so good.

I missed this overwhelming feeling of being so full. And it was all because of him.

"Shit Michael.." I winced when he was fully inside of me.

Michaels eyes flew open in concern.

"Are you okay, babe?" Michael asked while his hands started caressing my thighs.

"Perfectly fine." I leaned forward placing my palms on each side of his head.

"Oh my god... you feel so good." He moaned resting his head on the pillow again. Taking that as a opportunity to claim his neck again, leaving him a love mark.

"I can say the same about you. No one can do me like you can." Slowly moving my hips it took my breath away.

"Damn it Michael, y-you are so deep."

"Mhm. You feel like warm silk. Do you like it?"

I didn't answer. I couldn't answer. I wanted to say something but words couldn't form properly. On top of that I didn't know what to say. Besides..

"Just fuck me.."

Michael held my hips down and gave me everything that he had to offer like it was his last.

"I love you, Ava."

"I love you too, Michael."

(It's short, I know.. don't hate me.)

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