Dream Come True

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It has always been my dream since I was a little girl to meet my all time favorite person. The guy who I am highly obsessed with, not in a crazy stalker way, just in a crazy moonwalker way. You will only understand what I mean, if you are a true moonwalker.

My friends have always judged me for loving Michael. It's not like I grew up with him considering I'm only 27 and he is 33. Not a huge age gap. It just so happens that his music puts me in a place where I can be in my own escape world. Forgetting to mention that as a humanitarian he is the best in the world.

I finally saved up enough money to go to a Dangerous concert. I could have went many times before, but I wanted the VIP package. I want the full Michael Jackson Experience.

Finally getting to the arena where the concert is being held. There were over 20,000 people already in line waiting for the doors to open. It seemed like it took forever, that's only because I was too impatient to wait any longer.

Waiting 45 minutes to an hour in line just to be shown to my seat. Once I got in there I looked around the packed arena with over 200,000 people not a seat vacate. It's then that I realized how close my seat really was to the stage. Being front row for the very first time of any concert I have ever been to.


After about an half hour later, the lights lit up, and the smoke came out. Then the man himself made his amazing entrance. Jumping from up under the stage landing perfectly in his stance staring out into the distance.

(Just in case y'all don't know! Which is a shame if you don't!)

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(Just in case y'all don't know! Which is a shame if you don't!)

Let me tell you, as soon as I seen him, I started crying. Looking at him in person is much different than in pictures and videos.  The way he was standing so perfectly without moving for two whole minutes, until he finally turned his head the other direction, taking off his sexy sunglasses slowly. You could hear the fans chanting, almost louder than the music.

Then bam, Jam started playing, he turned into a dancing and singing machine. I've seen him dance before, heard him a-cappella, nothing compared to witnessing it for yourself.

The way his body moved to the rhythm of the music. The way he did his own moves but still synced in perfectly to the original choreography. Everything about this man amazes me.

At one point during the little performance of In The Closet, I could have betted money on him staring at me the whole time. Occasionally, licking his lips while grabbing himself and thrusting his hips. I would lie if I said that I didn't get a burning sensation in my body. He knew that and grinned.

But that didn't mean anything, considering he sees over millions of different people in the world, he won't even remember me. I hardly doubt he will remember me when I meet him.


The concert was over now, one of the best concerts I have ever experienced in my life. The crowd was awesome, we were all in tune with him while he sung. Especially, during Heal The World. Seeing him with all those children, how sweet he was, how loving he was towards them, made my heart melt. The way he held a few of them when they took turns. How he held their hand while singing his heart out. The adoration he showed to those kids.

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