Michael's 30th Birthday

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(Enjoy the visuals 🤓)

Michael is turning 30 and he has never had a single birthday party. Growing up as a Jehovah Witness, he never experienced any types of celebrations, or holidays. It was apart of their religion to not celebrate anything. I thought since Michael stopped being a Jehovah Witness, I could surprise him with his very first birthday party.

Both Michael and I go way back to middle school. We dated for a long period of time, 7th grade through 12th grade. The only reason why we ended things was because our careers led us to 2 different parts of the country. Both of us mutually agreed on the decision. He went to Savannah College of Art and Design in Georgia. And I went to University of Southern California School of Cinematic Arts.

Throughout the years, we stayed in close contact with each other, and remained best friends. On my holidays and finals, I would go visit him, after his finals and on his holidays, he would come out to visit me.

You might be questioning on how hard it was to just give up 5 years of being with someone. It was extremely hard, I love Michael. I was in love with him then and I still am now. He just doesn't know that.

Michael is a one of a kind man. It is hard to just let go of someone who've you experienced everything with. Especially all the meaningful things. But I am grateful to still have him in my life.

Apart from that, as much as I wanted to throw him a huge party, I settled for a small one. I called and invited a handful of his closest friends.. sadly including the girl he is talking to.

I called his best guy friend Seth to see if he could get Michael out of the house for a few hours. Of course he agreed.

While Michael was out, I went to the store and got his birthday present, the food for his dinner, cake, ice cream and the adult juice.

Everything was done and ready to go, people started piling in. Michael should be here in 5-10 minutes.

"Hi Ava." Ella greeted walking over towards me.

Ella is the girl that Michael has been talking too.

"Hi Ella."

"It is really nice that you did this for Mikey. You are a really good 'friend' to him." I could definitely notice that she emphasized 'friend' very clearly. Bitch.

"Well Ella.. Michael and I have meaningful history, we go way back. Why on Earth would I not do something for him?"

"I know, he has told me that you both dated for a while. Maybe it is because you want him back? Which if that is the case, it isn't going to happen. Michael is mine, not yours."

"Boo if I wanted Michael I would have him already. You don't scare me."

"You really think Michael would take you back? If that is the case - you got it all wrong. Michael told me ending things with you, was the best decision he has ever made. You weren't even worth 5 years of his life. He regrets ever being with you and feels sorry for you."

Just thinking about Michael ever saying that.. it broke my heart. I would at least hope if he felt that way, he would have at least told me.

"You are just making shit up at this point. What? Afraid imma take him away from you?" I laughed.

"I'll ask him when he gets here to see what he thinks about the accusations you've accused him of." I heard a bunch of commotion coming from the living room.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have a Michael to go greet. It was nice chatting with you." I gave her a bitchy smirk before finding Michael.

Bitch really thought she was going to pull that shit? Yeah right. The bitch has no reason to be jealous. If Michael was still in love with me like I am him, then she would be far out of the equation.

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