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"Lydia come dinner is ready!" My mother shouted so I could hear her. I rushed downstairs immediately smelling the aroma of the Italian pasta that she has prepared for us. I grabbed a plate, loading it up with some pasta, before taking my seat at the kitchen table.

"Mmm it smells and tastes delicious mama.." I sighed when I took the first bite of pasta, closing my eyes.

"Thank you, sweetheart." She paused for a bit while taking a bite before finishing. "So, is Michael going to come over?" I shrugged.

"I don't know mama. He has been so caught up in his girlfriend that he doesn't even know me anymore. He doesn't acknowledge me."

"Girlfriend? Michael has a girlfriend?" She asked while looking at me.

"Yes, that is why you have not seen around for the past 3-4 months. He doesn't even acknowledge me at school anymore.."

"Man, I thought you two would end up together, considering how close you guys were."

"Yeah, well the universe has other plans I suppose. Besides, I'm happy for him. Let him do what he has to do in order to be happy." I took my last bite of pasta, washing it out before putting my plate away. "I'm going back upstairs. I have some homework I have to finish. Have a good day at work." I gave my mama a kiss on her cheek before going back upstairs.

I shut my door getting out Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. We have to read this for my English class. We were assigned to read Chapters 10-13 tonight while filling out a worksheet. I got out my note book and English binder taking out the worksheet that has the questions typed on it. I placed everything that I needed on my desk where I do my homework. I grabbed my phone setting it down as well.

Before I got started I checked my phone just to see I got 3 messages from Michael.

*Hey, what are you doing?*

*I would like to hang out with you today..*

*Only if you aren't busy of course. Lmao.*

I didn't respond. I just left him on read. Also it will show him what time I read it as well. If he thinks it is ok to just ignore me, then randomly message me for the first time in weeks, he is stupid to think that I'm going to respond to him. I rolled my eyes just imaging it.

I locked my phone setting it off to the side opening my book up to chapter 10. I got a clean piece of paper and my pencil first putting my name and the date. Just as I was about to finish Chapter 10 my phone vibrated. I looked over and it was a text message from Michael.

*You don't have to ignore me. If you don't want to hang out just tell me..*

I left him on read again.

I answered majority of the Chapter 10 questions when I received another message.

*Lydia, I know you are getting my messages. Don't ignore me.*

I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

*If you don't answer me, I'm coming over.*

I was fed up with the bull shit. I just want to do my homework then relax.

*No, the hell you aren't. I just want you to leave me the fuck alone!*

*Then just talk to me, girl..*

*No, I have better things to do. Bye, Michael. Don't text me anymore.*

I locked my phone again setting it off to the side.

Finally, after a few hours later I got done reading and answering all of the questions without being interrupted. I finished my Geometry homework, so I'm good for tomorrow.

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