The New Kid

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Aaliyah P.O.V

Well, it's first day of Senior year and I'm more than excited to get it over with. They always say you're going to miss high school, but I've been through enough already to not miss it. I won't even look back. All I need is my best friend Rachel. We've been through hell and back literally. So much shit. We were born on the same day and time. March 4th 1:12 am. It's always been us against the world. We'll be best friends forever. Damn, I'm going to be late. I grab my phone, keys and my back pack leaving the house going to my car.

Finally, I made it to school only 20 minutes to spare. I parked my car grabbing my stuff heading in the school. As soon as I walked in my bitch was waiting on me.

"Bitch I thought you were gong to ditch the first day."

"Shut up. You know I don't want to be here." I walk away and she follows me.

"Bitch, don't start with the attitude." I laugh.

"Girl I ain't starting nothing come on. Do you know who our home room teacher is?"

"Uh, how am I suppose to know? I don't even have my schedule for the year."

"What good are you for then?" I said playfully which caused her to laugh.

Eventually, we ended up going to our school counselor to receive our school schedule for the year. Just like true best friends, we checked our schedule to see how many classes we have together, for the year. To our surprise, we have majority of them together.

We walk upstairs going into the class room. Ew all these people that I hate. We did take our seat in the back, like always. Which, in my opinion, sitting in the back is the best place to be.

"Oh my god. If this couldn't be anymore stupid. I hate this already." She said. She doesn't give a fuck about anyone.

"Shut up. This is suppose to be a good year." I laugh.

"These bitches best better know that they ain't fucking with us this year."

"I know. I know. Chill babe chill. They aren't gonna mess with us." She gave a bitch better believe face.

We sit and play on our phones and chat about random shit until the 3rd bell rings which is the tardy bell. This is when the same shit gets repeated about the schools policies. No bullying. No drugs. No alcohol. No holes in your clothes. Just a bunch of shit that everyone knows but not everyone follows the rules. It's always you have to look a certain way to fit in. I'm going to look my way. I don't need to hang out with the popular kids. Why would I need 10+ best friends when I can just have my Rachel that I can always count on? People don't make a lick of sense what's so ever. It's their way or no ones way. Which is completely utterly ridiculously stupid. Like it's bull shit because of the stereotypes. Like piss off.

This is also the part where we get these papers like we are signing our lives away to the government, or where going off to the military or some dumb shit like that. Not saying the military is dumb, because it's not. There's more than 20 papers we have to bring home to have our parents to sign each and every year. Like what the actual fuck? It's so stupid. But it's procedures. Our home base teacher was getting ready to start when there was this boy I've never seen before rush into the class room and took a seat right in the far left corner in the back. Everyone looked at him and started laughing. Besides Rachel and I.

I don't know why they are laughing at him. He's really cute. Dresses nice and everything. He looks humiliated. He looks sad. Lonely. Out of place. He's the new guy. The one everyone's been talking about. How does everyone know him? Rumors? He looks shy and very quiet. I have had enough of this stupid shit. I stand up and clear my throat.

"Could y'all just shut the hell up? Why you laughing at someone that you don't know?" Then this stupid bitch Alana, I don't like her stands up.

"He don't belong here. Look how he dresses. Look how he looks. He ain't ever going to fit around here."

"He don't belong here? Bitch you don't even know him! Why the hell you judging? You mad cause he looks better than you?" She walks towards me and so does her posse.

"Bitch you know who your talking to. I will fuck you up right here right now." I take a step closer to her.

"Hit me. I dare you." I grin at her. She rolls her eyes and walks away from me.

"Bitch." I walk over to the new kid and hold out my hand.

"Don't worry about her or anyone else. She's a fucking whore who gets with any guy she wants to. But anyways my name is Aaliyah and that's my best friend over there Rachel." I point over to her and she waves. "If you ever need anything or someone to talk to don't be a stranger. Not everyone is a judgmental asshole." He shakes my hand nodding.

"M-my name is M-Michael. N-Nice to meet you Aaliyah." Fuckkk his voice is so sweet and pure. Soft. Really soft.

"Look he has a fucking stutter problem." She says and everyone laughs. I turn around to face her.

"Oh, and that worse than having a speech impediment and not knowing how to read or write until 6th grade? Bitch try again." She looks at me swallowing while everyone stopped laughing.

"Anyways, you can come and sit beside me if you want to. We both would enjoy the company." I give him a smile.

He nods getting up and oh god. He smells so fucking good. I've never smelt anything like it. We walk over to where I was sitting and I introduced both him and Rachel properly before the teacher started going over everything for hours.

What a morning already. Fucking bitches. And fuck her and her snobby ass friends. I will fuck her and anyone else up. They don't wanna fuck with me and my friends. She knows when to run her mouth and when not to. She'll get her ass handed to her. Stupid bitch.

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