My Brother's Best Friend 6

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I don't know what the hell is happening. Everything is just happening so damn fast it's hard to keep track. All I remember is laying in bed with my girlfriend I don't even know if she is even more, I wake up because of her. There was a knock on the door and I was forced into a kiss. My girlfriend and I had a argument, now I'm in the back of a police car. What did I do?

"Mr. Jackson you are under arrest for having a sexual relationship with a minor. Please stay quiet because what ever you say will be held against you in court."

Now I'm at the police station. I'm filed with charges due to having intercourse with a 16 year old girl when I'm 18. Why is this happening? Who reported me? I'm not understanding. Logan, he did this. He's mad because I'm dating his little sister. He didn't have to report me. I can't believe I'm in jail.

"Michael?!" There's her beautiful voice. She comes running through the police station coming to me until the police officer held her away.

"What's he being arrested for!? He didn't fucking do anything!"

"I told him to stay away from you and he didn't." Logan just said out of nowhere. She whips her head around giving him a death stare.


"What the hell is wrong with you for hooking up with my best friend?!" Then he looked at me walking closer.

"And what the hell were you thinking hooking up with my sister?! And behind my back!? I should kick your ass!" I looked down feeling ashamed.

"I-I can explain.. you told me to protect her while you were away and I did. I tried keeping myself distracted from falling for her but it didn't work. It wasn't my intention to get with her man, I swear on everything. I thought she hated my guts. You know as much as I do she hated me."

"She sure hates you alright. I believe it was your plan to make your move while I was away. So you could trap her? That's what it was wasn't it?" He shakes his head.

"He fucking saved my ass while you were out doing God knows what with some ugly ass female! I got BEATEN to death! If Michael wasn't there I would've been severely injured! So you better count your fucking blessings that I'm standing right in fucking front of you!"

"Baby, calm down it's okay. I should've known better to get my self involved with you. This is where I belong. You deserve someone better.." she looks at me like I'm stupid.

"I'm almost 17! He had my full consent to have sexual intercourse with me! I'm not that much younger! Let him go!!" She wasn't letting this go.

"You had sex with my sister!!?"

"And if he did it ain't your fucking business!"

The police officer looked at Logan and stared him down.

"I thought you told me she was 13?" Logan gulped.

"I lied. I just wanted him away from my sister." The last thing I know is I'm being released from the handcuffs and they are being placed on Logan.

She runs over to me and gives me the biggest hug wrapping her legs around my waist.

"This isn't over Jackson.." Logan says sternly before being taken back.

"To me it looks like it is. Who's the one being put behind bars? Who's the one that lied? Think again bro." Then I wink at him.

I seen him clinch his jaw.

I rub my baby's back while she is sobbing in the crook of my neck.

"Shhhh baby, it's ok I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. I told you I wasn't giving up on us. No matter what obstacles life brings us I know we can make it." I carry her outside to her car. I set her in the passenger seat so I can drive. But to my luck she doesn't let go. Instead she grabs onto the collar of my shirt bringing my lips to hers.

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