Friends with Benefits

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*Yo! What are you up to?* Michael randomly texted after 5 days.

*Bye Michael.*
I replied back to him, only because we literally just fucked 5 days ago. This is the longest we've gone without fucking, unless I'm on my period.

*Bye? What do you mean bye?* Michael immediately responded.

*I am not in the mood.* Which I'm not in the mood.

Michael and I have been friends with benefits for over two and a half years. I'm starting to come to realization that I deserve better. I only agreed to this - because I have always had feelings for him. He just never felt the same about me. I was just hoping one day he would have the same feelings.. it just isn't going to happen.

We both agreed that if we found someone else, we would immediately stop hooking up with each other. Little does he know, I have been talking to someone else.

*I bet I can get you in the mood 😏 let me come over.*

*Good bye, Michael.*

There is nothing wrong with Michael. I mean the sex is overly fantastic - I just want to move forward, and have something serious for once. I'm only 25 I'm not getting any younger.

*What the hell is wrong with you?* Michael asked me.

I opened the message but didn't respond. Locking my phone, I tossed it on my bed, cleaning my room a little bit.





My phone started going off like crazy. I walked over to my bed, picking it up, all the messages were from Michael.


*Oh my god, so you're just going to not respond 🙄?*

*If you don't respond to me, I'm coming over and you will talk to me.*

*If that's the way it is going to be, I'm on my way.*

Oh my god, he is so fucking annoying most times. Michael thinks he controls me but he doesn't. He isn't getting any sex from me. NOPE, not anymore. I'll tell him that too.

Michael lives only 5 minutes away from me. This should be good.

I can hear Michael slamming my front door shut, running up the stairs. He just barges in my room.

"Are you good?" I asked him, while he just stares at me.

"Why the fuck didn't you text me back?"

"I don't have to if I don't want to. I told you bye."

"What does that even mean? What are you saying bye to?" Michael asked laying down on my bed.

"I'm saying bye to you. How much clearer do I have to make it?"

"You aren't saying bye. Come here." Michael grabbed my hand, pulling me to him, but I pulled away.

"No, Michael I am not."

"Why not? We haven't fucked in five days! It is way overdue."

"No Michael. I said no."

"Why? You have never turned me down before. Why the sudden change?"

"I am done with it all, Michael."

Michael walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"You are in desperate need of a good fucking. Let me give that to you." Michael whispered in my ear.

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