Boss Man

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It was my second day on the job as an official personal assistant - which means I have to meet the boss. I would have met him yesterday, unfortunately, he just got back from a business trip, wasn't able to make it.

I am a little.. I am extremely nervous. I don't really know what to expect.

The lady that interviewed me said that over 100+ women applied for the PA job. I guess out of those hundreds of women, I was the perfect candidate. At least that's what she told me he said. He as in the man, the legendary king, Mr. Michael Joseph Jackson.

Can you see why I'm so nervous now?

I have been a PA for around 10 years. I worked for Mariah Carey for 2 years as an internship, and then got hired as an official PA for Whitney Houston, until she tragically passed away. I am still devastated over it. She was the mom that I have always wanted.


I was seated on the couch waiting for my boss to come down and greet me. The longer I waited, the more anxious I got, and my palms started getting sweaty.

Mr. Jackson has a beautiful home/ranch. What you see on television, doesn't even come close to seeing what it's like in person. Never in a million years would have I ever of thought I would be in the position I'm in now. Seriously, literally growing up listening to your bosses music, is just on a whole new different level.

"Miss. Bradley?" A sweet, soft voice spoke up behind me. Which startled me a little bit.

"Y-yes?" I answered nervously, standing up fixing my dress, turning around to face him.

There he was. Right in front of me.

He had on a white long sleeve button up that hugged his body so perfectly, tucked into his famous black slacks, with a tie around his neck, hanging comfortably against his chest. His hair was pinned in a loose pony tail, with his signature curls hanging on the side of his face. And just to top it off, he had on a fedora and penny loafers.

"Miss. Bradley, I need you to follow me to my office. We have some things to discuss."

"Y-Yes sir." I walked around the couch and followed him through the house.

Oh my god I was so nervous. I don't know why I am though. I should be used to being around famous people.

I guess it's just because he is the #1 entertainer worldwide and well known for his humanitarian work.

"Please have a seat, make yourself comfortable." Mr. Jackson told me as he shut his office door behind me.

"How are you doing this morning, Miss. Bradley?" Michael asked me as he sat down in his office chair behind his desk.

"I-I'm good, thank you. H-how about y-yourself?" Oh my goodness, I was so fucking nervous!

I couldn't even make eye contact with him, that's how nervous I was. No, instead I played with the hem of my dress.

"I'm doing great actually. Now that I finally get to meet you in person."

I looked up at him and he was staring right at me. Those big beautiful brown irises of his.

"That's good?" I don't know why I said it as question, but it just came out that way.

"It's tremendous actually. After everything that was reported back to me, glancing over your resume, I knew you were the perfect candidate for the PA position." Michael said genuinely.

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