Oh, Baby Girl... 2

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It has been over 2 hours and this movie is now just over... I am still all hot and bothered.

Not because of Randy... but because of Michael.

As soon as I got back.. Randy asked me if everything was okay, I lied and said yes. What was I suppose to tell him... his brother finger fucked me so good until I almost exploded everywhere???

UH hell no!

I almost said fuck it, and propped my legs up so Randy, can finger fuck me into oblivion but I didn't..

I couldn't sit normally... no.. i crossed my legs hoping that would help but nope. I opened them wide and still nothing.. I closed them seeing if that helped and no. Nothing! Not a damn thing..

I could tell Michael, was enjoying the show I was putting on, considering that I heard his soft giggles.

That boy!

Randy, grabbed my hand leading me outside to the car. I could feel Michael's eyes on me the whole entire time as well.

"Grace, would you like for me to take you home?"

"You are such a dumb ass! She drove herself to the house!" Michael spoke up out of nowhere.

"Since when did you ever care when she comes or goes! She isn't any of your fucking concern!" Randy turned to look at me with rosy cheeks of embarrassment. "I-I'm sorry, I completely forgot that you drove."

"It's okay, Randy.. it happens." I giggled a little bit.

Michael didn't say not another word more and walked to the other car to get in.

Randy, walked me over to his car, opened the door to help me in. After, he got settled in, we followed each other back to the Jackson family home.

On the way there, I couldn't help but just close my eyes and remember what it felt like, having Michael's hands caress my body. But, my mind, went a little bit further than what actually happened.

Shivers went down my spine, just imaging his big hands caressing my breasts. Having his long masculine fingers touch my nipples, flicking his fingers over them. Having his warm mouth, sucking my nipples. Feeling his hands travel down my stomach to my soaking lady parts. Slipping a finger inside of me without hesitation. Letting the palm of his, hand smack against my swollen, sensitive nub. Causing me to jerk at every contact it makes.

I'm not for sure if it was my day dream or real life but I was about to cum.. again. I realized that it was real life when Randy, repeatedly said my name, letting me know we arrived back to the family home.

I was really frustrated now! Two bothers stopped me from reaching my ecstasy.. are they in cahoots or something? I just need to go home and well you know.. finish the job my damn self.

We got out of the car, everyone said their goodbyes and went inside, so it was just me and Randy. He kindly walked me over to my car.

"Grace, I had a really great time with you. Thank you, for going with me."

"Randy, I love spending time with you. I had an amazing time, thank you for inviting me." He gave me that Jackson smile..

"That's what friends are for. You are always invited. It's getting late so I should let you get home, before it gets any later." Randy, placed a kiss on my cheek before walking over to go inside of the house.

I walked closer to my car, getting my keys out of my purse, so I could unlock the door to get inside. Before, I even opened the door, I was being pushed against it. I was going to scream, but before I could, I knew that touch from anywhere.

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