My Therapist 3

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I haven't been back to see Michael since the run in with my ex-husband. I just couldn't take the chance of running into him again. I just want to torture him to death and make him suffer like he did me.

As promised Michael has been texting me nonstop, asking me how I am doing, where have I been and etc, but I don't respond to him.

I have only slept with 10 people in the last 10 weeks. The only thing that has been on my mind is Michael and what happened in his office.

But today is the day that I go back to therapy for the first time in 10 weeks. I called and made an appointment for today, so I had to leave work a little early.

I made it to the office, I checked in paying my $30, before taking a seat. Before, I knew it my name was being called. I followed her to the seating area outside of Michael's door.

A couple of minutes later, his office door opened and there he stood, in a blue long sleeve button down shirt that's tucked in his black pants, with his hair pulled back in a low pony tail.

I stood up walking in his office avoiding eye contact. Even when he took a seat in front of me, I avoided eye contact. However, his eyes were clearly on me, I could feel them. And when I quickly looked up at him I was right.

"I didn't think I was ever going to see or talk to you again."

"You didn't?"

"No, I didn't. It's been 10 weeks since I have last seen you. I have texted you for just as long and you never responded."

"Michael, you are my therapist why would you text me? That's against the rules isn't it? You are not allowed to have outside communications with each other. If we see each other in public, we don't acknowledge one another."

"Marleigh, this is my business and I can do whatever the hell I want. I texted you because I care about you deeply. I don't even know what happened, you just ran out of here. What happened?"

"You could lose your credentials if you were to get caught. Michael, we have only had two sessions, you can't care about me that much. What is the point of therapy if we talked on a regular basis? And um.. I-that was my ex husband."

"I wouldn't lose my credentials if no one knows. Okay, we have had two sessions, our sessions are an hour long, you can learn a lot about someone in two hours. I just wanted to make sure that you are okay. I needed to know. Jostin Curt is your ex husband?" I nodded my head.

"Is that why you didn't come back?" I nodded my head again.

Michael got up from his seat and went behind his desk to his computer. He started clicking on his mouse and typing on his keyboard.

"And done." Michael got up from his desk chair walking back over to his seat.

"What did you do?"

"I banned him from coming back. He is not allowed to step foot on this property."

"Michael, are you serious? You didn't have to do that!"

"Yes, I did have to do that. He is not welcomed here. Besides, he was creeping me out the whole entire time he was here. He has some issues that I can't help him with."

"If only you knew.."

"Anyways, let's talk about you. How have you been?"

"Just the same ole same ole."

"How's the no drinking coming along and no sex?"

"Well... do you really want to know?"

"Don't tell me that you are still sleeping with other people."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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