Boss Man 2

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"I-I'm just your personal assistant. Y-you can't tell me w-what I can or can not do in my personal life. You have no control over me."

I didn't like the fact that Michael thought he had control over me. I am old enough to make my own decisions. Just because I work for him as his PA, doesn't mean I have to drop my personal life.

"Exactly, you are my personal assistant. I do believe it is your job to assist me whenever I need it. So if I need personal private assistance, I do expect you to take care of me. As long as you work for me, you will not be available for any other man. Are we clear?"

I let go of his hand and walked away from him. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Unbelievable.." I chuckled a little disappointed. "You are just like every other man in the industry. I refuse to be used for your own sexual desires when you need it. If that is the only reason why you hired me, then just go ahead an fire me."

Michael wasn't too happy that I compared him to the other men in the industry. I called it how I see it.

"Excuse me? You don't know me well enough to judge me, or put me in such a dirty category Ivy. The reason why I hired you, is because I heard great things about you - coming from Whitney. Every time I seen her - you are all she would ever talk about. I know you are amazing at what you do and I trust you to handle what needs to be done." Michael started walking over towards me. He was still clearly pissed off.

"I didn't hire you to fuck. My last PA, that's all she wanted to do is fuck. I just wasn't attracted to her like I am to you. Maybe it's because I didn't want to risk anything, so I just kept it professional. Or maybe it's because she slept with just anyone and everyone." Michael stood in front of me, bringing his hand to my face. By instinct I leaned my cheek against the palm of his hand, while his thumb softly rubbed my cheek.

"Look at me, Ivy." I looked up at him and met his eyes that were already on me.

"I would never do anything to take advantage of or even hurt you. I know it takes a lot to trust someone. Me personally I have a lot of trust issues. This is all new to me. But I know for sure that I want you. All of you. I have wanted you since the first time I saw you." His thumb ran over my bottom lip - which caused my mouth to open a little bit.

My eyes couldn't make up their mind on if they wanted to stare at his luscious eyes or his plump lips.

"I just.. I don't think it would be very professional if we sleep together. I'm afraid that it will get in the way of our work. And I love my job, I love what I do, and it is an absolute honor to just even be in the same room as you. I wouldn't want to ruin that for anything. L-like seriously Michael.. you don't understand how much of a fan I am of you. It has always been my dream to meet you one day and here I am now working for you. It's crazy right?"

"Under the circumstances, I have always wanted to meet you too. Dreams do come true if you work hard enough for them. Ivy it's not only about sleeping with you, I want to get to know you too. Again, I didn't bring you here to use you." Michael's head started moving closer to mine - until we were only a few inches away from each other.

"Ivy, I need you to trust me. Do you trust me? I trust you enough to give myself to you."

Should I trust him? I want to trust him. But then again, he is Michael Jackson, I bet he has slept with a lot of women. Maybe he is just saying these things to get into my head, so I can give into my desires for him.

Or maybe he is telling the truth? I don't know much of anything personal - besides what the media has accused him of over the years. Which I have never once believed or even doubted him.

"C-can I ask you a q-question?"

"Of course you can. You can ask me anything you want to."

"H-how many women have you slept with?"

"I have only been with 3 other women. That's the Gods honest truth. I can't mention the first girl, I promised her I wouldn't mention her name, but it was a childhood friend of mine. Then it was Brooke Shields, and lastly my ex-wife." Michael never broke eye contact with me, I could tell in his eyes that he was telling me the truth.

My parents are both police interrogators, they have taught me a lot on how to know when someone is lying or not. Michael wasn't lying.

"May I kiss you now?" Michael asked me with desperate eyes.

"I don't know how too." I moved away from him taking a small step backwards.

"I don't want to make a fool out of myself."

"You aren't going to make a fool out of yourself, now stop it. Allow me to teach you an you'll see how easy it is."

"Michael.. I just.." Michael stopped me by lightly grabbing my face pulling me in for a kiss.

While still holding my face with one hand, his other hand went down to the small of my back, pushing my body closer to him.

When our lips connected, a shot of electric nerves shot throughout my entire body. It was the strangest feeling that I have ever had, but nonetheless I liked it.

Michael slowly began rubbing up and down my back causing goosebumps to appear on my body.

After a minute or two he slowly pulled away from my lips. Eyes instantly meeting mine.

"See I told you that it wasn't hard." He brought his other hand to the small of my back as well, pulling me even closer to him.

"Do you want to see the rest of the house and property? If not I'm going to show you the most important room. It's where you are going to be sleeping starting today."

"I-I.. can you excuse me?" Michael gave me a curious look before I walked out of his office.

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