My Therapist

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(WARNING: This short story contains the topic of suicide. If that triggers you, please do not read! I totally understand.)

Today was the first day of my therapy session. Dealing with so much shit for the past 3 in a half years, I was tired of holding everything inside and constantly staying angry all the time. It was time to make a change. I didn't like who I was becoming as a person.

"Ms. Lane?" I looked up at the lady who called my name standing at the door waiting.

I got up from the seat walking over towards her.

She took me to some chairs that were waiting outside of a door.

"Please, have a seat, Mr. Jackson will be with you in just a few moments."

"Okay, thank you." I said while taking a seat.

Everything started rushing to me all at once while I was waiting. All of these negative thoughts. I tried pushing them away, but it didn't help.

What if it's just some creepy strange ugly old guy who doesn't really care? Why does it have to be a man? I mean, I knew when I made an appointment it was going to be with a man. I don't know why I am making a big deal about it now, it is already too late. Maybe I can just leave and forget all about it?

All of a sudden, the door open and stood Mr. Jackson.

"Ms. Lane?" He said in a manly, but very sweet toned voice.

All I could do was stare up at him in pure awe. I have never seen a man look like that before in my whole entire life. I take back what I said about him being old, ugly and creepy, he was far from that! He took my breath away.

Mr. Jackson was tall, but not too tall. He had on a green button down shirt, tucked in to his black jeans, that hugged his small body perfectly. Mr. Jackson's hair was pulled back in to a low ponytail, with a few curls that rested on his face. He is by far the most beautiful man that I have ever laid eyes on.

"Ms. Lane?" Mr. Jackson said again.

He took me out of my day dream when he spoke my name again. I felt like an idiot and so embarrassed.

I stood up walking towards him not making eye contact and he let me in the room. When I entered he shut the door behind me. I just stood there being awkward.

"Please, take a seat." He directed me towards the couch that he had in his spacious office.

I took a seat admiring his beautiful office. Everything was so high class. The paintings on the walls must have cost a fortune. His pristine furniture.

Mr. Jackson took a seat in front of me in his chair. We looked at each other in silence for what felt like forever, but it was only for a matter of seconds until he spoke up.

"Shall we begin?" All I could do was nod my head.

"Okay, Ms. Lane, just to get started I'm going to go over a few things with you first. First thing, whatever is spoken about in this room, stays in this room. Everything is confidential. Secondly, in order for this to work, you have to be open and honest with me, so that we can work on your situation and help you get through whatever you are going through. Thirdly, this is the safest environment that you can openly share anything that is on your mind. I don't judge anyone. I am just here to help, okay?" I just nodded my head in agreement.

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