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"Mommy, can you come play with me?" My son Liam asked me.

"Mommy is busy right now cleaning up the kitchen. When I get done, how about we play a board game?" I suggested instead of just playing with his toy cars.

"Ok!! Can we play Candy Land?" Liam asked me.

"We can play any game that you want. How does that sound?" Liam cheered in excitement.

Liam is my 7 year old son. I had him when I was 20. Since he was 3 years old, I raised him up as a single mother. Liam's dad Noah joined the army a little after Liam turned 3 years old. Ever since then, he hasn't wanted anything to do with either of us. He doesn't call, text, email or send letters.

Liam doesn't really remember his father all that much, so I don't have to worry about him asking me questions. I just have to prepare myself with these answers when he starts asking questions. How do you tell your own kid, that their father just walked out on them and left the country?

It was really hard raising Liam up as a single mother with only one type of income that was coming in. I never relied on my parents to help, my mom just offered to watch Liam while I was working long shifts.

It took me until a few months ago to start dating again. I never really looked to be in a relationship with anyone. That was until Michael came along.

Michael and I met at the restaurant that I work at one night. Him and one of his bodyguards came in to grab a bite to eat really late that night.

Michael seemed more interested in me then he did the meal. He had his bodyguard to sit by himself, while he sat in a booth. Michael called me over to sit down and talk with him.

For the short amount of time that we did get to talk, Michael is one of the most genuine person that I know. He listened to everything that I had to say. Even when I didn't say much.

Before, he left Michael asked for my number to stay in contact with me. He even left a kiss on my cheek.

Here we are 6 months later still talking, and Michael doesn't know about Liam. I have wanted to tell him about Liam, I just don't know how Michael is going to react.

I am not embarrassed by Liam and I most certainly do not regret having him at all. I just don't want to scare Michael away or make him upset since I never told him.

Even though Michael and I have been talking for 6 months, he comes by my work when he is in town. He will text me to see if I'm working or not.

Now, Liam, loves him some Michael. He is a huge fan of him. Liam listens to all of his music and even watches his concerts on YouTube. He always tells me that I need to take him to a concert to see him. If only he knew..

"Mommy, are you done yet? I got Candy Land ready for us." Liam hollered from the living room.

"Yes honey, I am coming now." I left the kitchen turning off the light behind me.

I walked into the living room, Liam was seated down in the floor, with Candy Land laid out.

"Mommy I want to be the red guy." Liam told me when I took a seat beside of him in the floor.

"Okay honey, how about I'll be the blue guy then?"

"Yeah, we can switch." He said. Usually I am always the red guy and he is the blue one.

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