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(Thank you wifeyjackson for requesting this imagine. It was quite different.) .

Michael and I have been married for 4 years. It seems like a long time, but really it feels like it happened yesterday. We got married when we were 18. Before, you go judging saying we rushed in to it, well you are wrong. Michael, finally asked me out when we were 13 and have been together ever since. So in total we have been together for 9 years, I wouldn't change it for the world. Michael is my soul mate and forever will be.

Michael is so sweet and loving to me. Everything a girl could ever want. He takes me out on sweet romantic dates when we both get free time off of work. Which is once every week and sometimes even two if we get lucky with our schedules. Michael works for his father as a realtor and I work at a beauty salon with my mother. Both family own businesses. I wouldn't say we are rich, but we definitely are far from poor.


"Good morning, baby." Michael wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him, nuzzling his face in the crook of my neck.

"Good morning, babe." I replied to him while I was stretching out my body.

"Did you sleep good?"

"I slept great actually. How did you sleep?"

"I slept wonderfully. I had the most amazing dream though." Michael said mischievously.

"Hmmm.. what was it about?" I hummed when Michael started caressing my breasts.

"Remember how I caught you yesterday playing with yourself?" Michael completely ignored my question.

"Yes, I do." I nodded my head. 

"Get up, take your clothes off, lay back down." Michael ended up getting off of the bed. "Put your chain on."

"But why? Michael you fucked me last night, isn't that enough?" I whined.

"Didn't I tell you to never question me, mi amor?" Michael arched his sexy brow.

"Yes, sir." I held my head down, getting out of the bed.

I took my clothes off staring at Michael's sexy naked back while wrapping the chain around my neck.

"You have a sexy back to, mi amor." Michael said without turning around to look at me.

What? Did I say that out loud?

We have been together for 9 years, I will never understand, where this dom persona came from. It can be a good thing and it can be a bad thing. Depending on what I do wrong for punishment.

Michael is standing behind me, I can feel his heat warming me, warming me all over. He pulls my hair so it's all hanging down my back, moving it over to the left side of my neck. He runs his nose down my exposed neck, inhaling all the way, then back up to my ear. The muscles in my belly clench, carnal and wanting. Jeez, he's hardly touched me, and I want him.

"You smell so divine, mi amor." Michael whispers as he places a soft kiss beneath my ear.

As a response, I moaned.

"Silence." He breathes. "Don't make a sound."

Pulling at my hair Michael, puts it up in a pony tail and when he pulled it, I was forced against him.

"I am going to chain you now, mi amor. Give me your hands."

I give him my hands and he turns them palms up, and before I know it, he swats the center with a riding crop I hadn't noticed is in his right hand.

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