My Brother's Best Friend 3

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Now I know damn well this must be a damn dream. I know this bitch isn't at my house with her disease carrying looking ass.

"I thought I told you to leave Michael alone!"

"And I thought I told you not to threaten me and baby doll he invited himself in I didn't do shit. He followed me here and left your ass guessin."

"Kelly what the hell are you doing here?" He speaks up.

"For you, why didn't you take me with you?"

"Because he doesn't like your skanky ass!" Michael looks over and death glares me. I roll my eyes.

Soon Daniel walks in and Michael rolls his eyes.

"Hey baby I'm back." He walks over to me giving me a kiss. Michael looks over his shoulder then returns his stare to the whore.

"Come on, let's go upstairs." I take his hand and lead him up the way to my room.

We make it to my room and I shut the door.

"Sorry it took me forever baby, my mom wanted me to run to the store and pick up my baby brothers medicine." I smile at him.

"Don't apologize sweetheart. As long as your here, everything is perfect now." I grab his face pulling him in for a kiss.

"Go get changed and I'll get us some snacks and something to drink. We can watch a movie or something okay?" He smiles and nods.

He goes into my bathroom and I leave the room walking down the stairs. Well it seems quiet so I guess they both left. As soon as I hit the bottom stair they are in a full make out session. Disgusting. It also hurt a little bit. I don't understand why though.

"Um, could y'all leave? This is my house and I'm not finna let you two have sex anywhere near here."

"Aw, but im sure you would've loved to hear it." She smiles at me.

"I don't want to hear anything coming from either of yalls mouths. And besides I don't feel like burning everything in my house that you've touched. So just get the fuck out of my house." I stare at her.

Michael looks at me with apologetic eyes but I just roll my eyes disappearing into the kitchen. I don't know why it hurt so much seeing him kiss her. I mean, I don't even like him. In fact, I hate him. He just saved me from a tragedy that's all. I really need to stop allowing him to kiss me. But it's just so hard. His soft plump lips. They are just so kissable. What the hell are you saying Paisley?

I groan out loud.

"I'm sorry you had to see that.." I just ignore him.

"Hmm.. do we have any popcorn?" I look in the cabinet and found some.

"Yes! Oo the extra buttery kind to. Mama likey."

"I didn't mean to kiss her.." I laugh.

"I don't give two fucks what you do. We will never be anything to each other. You kiss her just like I kiss my boyfriend. It's apart of life. And as of right now you disgust me. So I would like for you to leave my house."

"Logan told me to stay here and watch you."

"I don't give a damn what Logan told you to do. I don't need a fucking babysitter. And most importantly I just don't want to see you alright?" I grit.

"Why are you so angry with me? I'm apologizing to you.." he steps closer to me but I back away.

"Because Michael I FUCKING hate you! You're just saying these things because you fucking feel sorry for me! You don't like me and I don't like you. Those kisses should've never fucking happened! Don't you get it!? I've never liked you! You just like saying nice things to me because you feel like you fucking have to! Just because your my brothers best friend! Just because of what fucking happened a couple months ago! I thanked you for that! Now, I would really fucking appreciate it if you would just stay out of my fucking way!" I start crying out of anger.

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