The Professor

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"Quinn, I need you to stay over after class." Professor Jackson, told me as soon as the bell started ringing.

I don't understand why he wants me to stay over. Not unless it is probably about my grade in his class. He is the only teacher that singles me out, every day. It gets annoying after a while.

"Ooo girl, Professor Jackson wants you to stay over." My best friend Dominque teased.

"Shut up. It's only to talk about my grade in his class." I chuckled.

"You better fuck your way up to getting at least a B." Dominque whispered to me.

"I will not! I am not like Kelsey who drops to her knees for every teacher or the dean."

"Boo, you ain't had to take it that far." Dom giggled.

"Go. I'll see you at home, ok?" She nodded her head leaving the classroom.

Dominque and I go all the way back to preschool. We've been lifelong best of friends since we met. Truthfully, I don't know what I would do without her. She was there for me when my grandma and grandpa passed away two months ago. So yeah, she has helped me out a lot.

We talk about anything and everything. Shit, even make jokes about Professor Jackson. Not mean jokes, just how sexy he is. That's all.

Professor Jackson brought me out of my thoughts by just shutting and locking his door.

"Quinn, can you meet me at my desk?" Professor Jackson asked me as he made his way back to the desk.

"Can you tell me why I am here?" I questioned him before making any sorts of effort getting up.

"It's about your lack of participation in class."

"Look, I know I am failing your class. I don't need you to tell me that. I'll work harder and have my grade up before the end of the semester."

"We only have a week and a half of the semester left. If you haven't noticed, you have a 43% F in my class."

Damn, I have a 43% F in Sex Education? I knew I was failing, but not that much.

"I guess I'll just have to repeat your class won't I?"

"Can you please come over here? I would like to talk to you about it." I huffed getting up walking over to him.

While I was making my way over there, I could clearly feel his eyes on me. I had nothing special on. Just a pair of gray leggings, hoodie and Ugg boots. I don't understand why he was looking at me so hard.

"I'm here. What do you want?" Professor Jackson blinked his eyes a few times as to come out of his day dream.

"Come around my desk. Let me show you what you've been having trouble with." I walked around his desk and he had all my papers and tests stacked on his desk.

"I have noticed that you been having a lot of trouble with the oral sex and masterbation topic."

Damn, he just came right out and said it. Now I feel super embarrassed. Seriously not having this conversation with him.

"Mhm. Yeah, I'll do better. Thanks for talking with me Professor." I tried walking away but didn't get very far.

"There is nothing to be embarrassed about. I want to help you, so you can get your grade up. Can you tell me what you don't understand or what you're having troubles with?" Professor asked me grabbing my arm.

"Professor Jackson, I am not having this conversation with you. If I don't pass your class this semester, I'll take it again next semester. It is really no big deal." He completely ignored me.

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