Friends with Benefits 2

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It took a good 30-45 minutes for me too process everything. I don't really appreciate Michael calling me an ungrateful bitch. I am nowhere near ungrateful. I have dealt with his bull shit for too damn long.

He thinks he can just call me that and get away with it? Fuck no.

I get in my car, driving to his house.

Like before, he lives 5 minutes from me - so it didn't take that long to get there.

When I got there, I noticed an unrecognizable car that I've never seen before.

I rushed inside of his house just like he did mine.

I didn't see him anywhere downstairs, but I heard faint noises upstairs. So that's where I went.

I usually never knock, I wasn't starting today.

Opening his bedroom door, I walked straight in, seeing him hanging out with another girl.

Michael looked up at me as well as she did.

I knew what he said was on some bull shit. The 'I love you' was just a joke.

"This is how it is going to be? You jump down my throat, just because I'm trying to move on, but it's okay for you to just fuck around with other girls? Alright bet." I laughed.

"Don't you ever and I mean ever, call me an ungrateful bitch. Last thing, don't bother texting or calling me." That's all I said before slamming his bedroom door shut behind me.

"Lay!" Was all he said following me.

God I can't stand him. Why would I ever fall in love with a guy like Michael? Our relationship that we had, it hasn't gotten me anywhere. The one time I try moving on, he calls me an ungrateful bitch, that just doesn't settle right with me.

Finally, I got home and went straight to my room. I looked at the time and it was 6:23 P.M. The date is at 8:00 PM, I should be good on time getting ready.

Michael has tried calling me, he has tried texting me, multiple times. I just won't answer him. There is nothing else that needs to be said.

I already had my outfit hanging up, that way it wasn't wrinkled. I do not like wrinkled clothes.

I took a seat at my vanity, just to see what I wanted to do with my hair. Nothing fancy, but I didn't want it to be everywhere.

I decided on doing this, it looks the easiest and fastest

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I decided on doing this, it looks the easiest and fastest. It's not too formal but it's also not too messy.

As soon as I got done getting dressed, my phone went off. I wasn't going to pay any attention to it, but I looked at it anyways and it was Kendrick.

*Ken: Hey love I'm sorry but tonight isn't going to work out..*

Michael was right. Guess who's getting played? Me.

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