My Brother's Best Friend 2

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It's been a couple of months since the incident happened. All the soreness and bruises have gone away. Michael always comes over here making sure I'm alright. Which is cute but annoying. He brings his little ratchet ass girlfriend over to. I also hadn't realized how good Michael looks. I also hadn't realize that I've been staring out him. He clears his voice and it got my attention. I look away and blushed.

I can say this though, Michael is a really good guy once you get to know him. Don't always judge a book by its cover. He's been taking care of me. Logan? Well, it's Logan. Speaking of the devil here he comes.

"Yo y'all all wanna go to the movies as a triple date?" I shrugged.

"I'm down, I just started talking to a new guy here recently." Michael looked at me and he looks angry. I don't know why though.

My brother, well he isn't the protective type. He is but he isn't. Like he doesn't care if I have a boyfriend or not like most brothers.

"Alright. Michael you down?" He nods his head.

"Awesome, get ready in 30 minutes." I already texted Daniel and he's on his way.

"Why didn't you tell me you were talking to someone new?" Michael asked sounding kinda hurt.

"It's none of your business big boy. Mine yours and I'll mine my own." He rolls his eyes stepping close to me. So close our lips are almost touching.

"No one deserves you princess." With that Michael leaves.

I sigh.. I hurried and got dressed. As soon as I got finished I heard the door bell ring. I run downstairs to answer it.

"Daniel!" I squeak excitedly.

He pulls me into a hug before giving me a peck on the lips. I pull away as we hear someone clearing their throat. It was Michael, he stands there staring with his arms crossed.

"Come on Daniel, let's go." I grab his hand and ours intertwined together. I swear Michael looks hurt and jealous. Could he be?


We walk out and everyone follows. I ride with Daniel. We head our way to the movie theatre. Once we are there we got out. Daniel helped me out of the car. I give him a smile and got out. He shuts the door then locks it.

Daniel wraps his arm around me holding me by my waist. I look over at Michael and he looks away, we make it inside and buy our tickets. We decided to not get anything so we just thought we'd wait for them in the hallway. Michael is just staring daggers at me.

Once, they catch up we make our way to the room our movie is playing on. Daniel on the down far end, I sit beside of him, Michael sitting next to me with his girl. My brother is at the other end of her with his girl.

I brought me a blanket cause I be getting cold in this shit. I look over at Daniel and give him a deep kiss. I pull away because the lights are getting darker.

"Hey baby, I need to go to the bathroom okay?" I whisper to Daniel. He nods. I give him a quick peck before standing and leaving the isle. I walk down the stairs and start heading towards the door and I couldn't open it. I see a hand. I turn around being faced by Michael. He's really close as well.

"I know what your doing baby girl and it's totally working.. fuck, you look beautiful today." He whispers in my ear.

"Th-thank you.. But I'm not doing anything Michael. I'm just with my date just like you are." I blush looking away. He places a finger on my chin making me look at him. He caresses my cheek.

He starts moving his head closer to mine and we kissed. As soon as our lips touched I pulled away.

"No, no Michael no. I don't like you like that. I have a soon to be boyfriend and you have a girlfriend. Your my brothers best friend for God sake. No. Now let me go.." he looks at me for a moment with hurt in his eyes before walking back the other way.

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