Just Best Friends?

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It is a Friday night and I am so bored. My boyfriend Derek is with his family on a summer vacation. He won't be back until a few days from now. I don't want to just sit at home doing nothing. I looked at my phone seeing that he has texted me.

"Hi babe, I just wanted to tell you that only 2 more days until I come back! I can't wait to have you in my arms again. I love you! 😘"

"Baby, I can't wait to see you! These next couple of days need to hurry up so I can see your beautiful face. I love you, too!" I hit send.

I put my phone down clicking on my tv going to watch Netflix when I heard my doorbell go off. Who could it be at almost 10 at night? I opened it up to see my best friend crying. We have been best friends since diapers.

"Michael, why are you crying? What happened?" My curiosity got the best of me. He didn't answer. He couldn't. He was sobbing so hard. Something terrifying must have happened.

"Come with me." I shut the door locking it behind him before grabbing his hand walking him upstairs to my bed room. He followed me like a lost puppy. Once we got in I shut my bed room door. I walked over to my bed and gestured him to lay down beside of me. He did. He cuddled up to me laying his head down on my chest. It's not weird. We've done this multiple times.

"Are you going to tell me what happened?" He cried even harder if that was even possible.

"Shhhh. It's okay, Michael. Hey look at me." A few moments went by before he did. His eyes were swollen and puffy. His bottom lip quivered. His hair was sticking to his face.

"Why are you crying? What happened?" I tried searching his face for clues but nothing. But I know he is hurting from whatever happened.

"I-she-went-" he started gasping for air where he was crying so hard.

"Take long slow deep breaths, honey. Just lay down here until you are ready to talk, ok?" He laid his head against my chest while wrapping his arm around my torso. Holding me against him tight but not too tight.

I ran my fingers through his beautiful short soft curls. Trying to help relax him or at least to calm him a little bit. After some minutes his breathing became calm and regular. He wasn't crying anymore. Which is what made me happy. He raised up to look at me and his eyes were so heavy and swollen.

"S-she cheated on me, Veronica." My heart exploded. I never liked that bitch!

"Oh, Michael, sweetheart. I'm so sorry, honey." I wanted to start crying but I held it back.

"I-I went over to her house, I wanted to surprise her since it's my first day back, but she was having sex with Walker." He started sniffling again, I seen his eyes turn glossy again.

"S-she promised me that it was ok if we waited until I was ready. But it seems like she really wanted sex. Tonight was going to be the night I was going to give myself to her but it turns out she had other plans." A tear fell and wetted my shirt.

"Honey, I thought you guys were already sleeping together. That's what you told me."

"No man my age wants to admit that he is still a virgin at the age of 25." I smiled at him.

"Why are you smiling?"

"Because I think it is a beautiful thing that you are still a virgin. You can't find many people out there anymore who are. It shows how genuine you truly are. Especially, when it comes to being intimate. But you have at least done the other stuff right?" He shook his head no.

"No one has ever seen my dick if that's what you are asking. And I've never touched a female on her breast or her pretty pink. I've been in year to two year long relationships and that's how they all ended like. I wouldn't sleep with them. I don't trust anyone besides one person in my life."

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