The Cheater 3

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Michael was fucking kissing me.


What the hell am I doing letting him kiss me?

He touched the whore with those lips and now he is all over you.

I realized what was happening and pushed him away.

"You need to go, Michael." I turned away from him putting my groceries up.

I expected him to leave, but guess the fuck what? He didn't.

No, instead he came right beside of me, going through the grocery bags helping me sort them, to put them away.

It was silent between us. The only sound that was heard was our footsteps and breathing.

I can't believe Michael just thought it was ok to fuck another bitch and not expect me to find out. Once, I did he really thought I was just going to forget about it? Take him back for what? To be treated like shit again?

Uh, no thanks.

After, a few more minutes he spoke up.

"Teneka, please just talk to me. I really want to work this out." Michael sighed, following me to the living room.

I took a seat on the couch, which caused him to join me. I didn't answer him, I had nothing to say to him. I wanted him out of my house. Out of my life.

I raised up from the couch long enough to grab the tv remote turning it on. Nothing exciting was on.

Before, I actually got comfortable on the couch, I decided to go get me a glass of pink lemonade and some Oreos. 

Don't judge me because I already know it's a horrible food combination. But guess the fuck what? I'm pregnant, so hop off me bitch.

I came back in to the living room and Michael was still sitting on the couch but he was on his phone.

I ended up sitting my drink and Oreos on the coffee table so I could get comfortable. Once, I was done getting comfortable, I grabbed my Oreos and tv remote, getting on Netflix turning on Lucifer.

Lemme tell you, for Lucifer to be the fucking devil, he is one fine muthafucker. At least in the show. I don't know about in real life, I ain't trying to figure that out either.

"Teneka, can we please talk?" Michael finally spoke up again.

"Yes, get out of my house. Conversation over." I told him staring at the television while stuffing my face.

"I am not going anywhere until we fix this. Fix us. I'm trying really hard, but you keep pushing me away."

"Like you didn't push me away for 2 weeks fucking another bitch!"

"Teneka, I apologized for that. There is nothing I can do to take what happened back. All we can do is fix us and move forward." Michael said softly.

"Take your apology, shove it up your ass and twist on it. Or actually choke on it and suffocate." I know that was harsh, but I do not fucking care.

"Baby, I'm sorry okay? I shouldn't have cheated on you. I promised you that I would never hurt you, but I ended up doing it anyways." Michael dropped to his knees coming over to where he was sitting on his knees in front of me. "I don't have an explanation to why I did it. I know that there isn't enough apology in the world for what I have done. But please, if you give me another chance I promise, I won't ever hurt you again. I love you." I paused my show, just so I can stare right deep into those eyes of his.

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