Part one-chapter one: Introduction

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"You need to stop taking these S-class requests n/n, you're forcing happy and I to take requests and be alone with Luce!" He whined as I finished up my meal all while slapping the dragon slayer's hand away from my chicken.

"Not my fault you didn't pass the S-class exams, plus, most of the requests are stealth ones're not very good at that Natsu" I replied, the taller boy looked at me as though he was offended and turned to the blonde beside him.

"I'm good at stealth missions! aren't I Luce-"


I laughed hysterically in response and got up from my seat, adjusting my coat and grabbing my satchel from the chair.

"hey y/n, gonna go train again?"

"Gray, I just came back from a job, fuck no, i'm gonna get drunk with Cana, take a nice bath, make dinner, your shirt is off again, and sleep"

"oh shit- well that sounds nice" The ice wizard responded, putting his shirt back on before turning to see a familiar trio walking behind me, holding a request paper in hand.

I watched as Erza and Gray trail behind the trio with luggage ready, "we'll be back by tommorrow morning everyone!" The salmon haired wizard announced, he walked infront of me and headed out the guild halls large doors. Just before they all had walked out I yelled for them, all five of them turned to face me "Be careful! remember we're supposed to go on our next mission together!" Natsu flashed a large grin and gave me a thumbs up before running out of the guild hall.

"Y/n! lets start that drinking match, shall we?" I smiled and nodded at the brunette before grabbing the other barrel of beer on her right. suddenly cheers erupted in the guild hall as all the attention was placed on Cana and I.

"My moneys on y/n!"

"No way! Cana totally has this! whaddaya think Levy?"

"I think that it's gonna be a pain for me to take y/n back to fairy hills later haha"


"I totally won that-*hic*"

"sure y/n, now get some rest, you wanna be the first to greet your team when they come back tommorow don'tcha?" The petite girl asked, I nodded in agreement and took off my coat and grabbing one of Erza's old shirts that she had given to me. The small blue haired girl grabbed a long ribbon and put my waist length h/t(hair type)hair into a quick ponytail. We said our goodbyes and I watched her head out my room and into her own.

I wasn't tired at all so I decided to get up and grab a heavy notebook off of my bookshelf, flipping through the pages and remenising about old times, one picture in particular caught my eye.


"hey old man" The tall blonde said, the guild master turned around to face his grandson "yes Laxus?" he asked in response awaiting for his grandson to speak again instead, his grandson stood there in silence and placed his hand comfortingly on the shoulder of a small girl who had emerged from behind him. The small h/c girl gave the master a shy smile before biting the inside of her cheek anxiously, "hey sweetheart, go sit at that table for me, talk to that pink haired brat he'll make sure you aren't lonely." the blonde man said, the small girl nodded in response mentally preparing herself to talk to the strange boy.

"Who's that Laxus?" the master asked concerningly, his grandson took a seat beside his grandfather and began to drink his large coffee. "I found her when I was out on my job yesterday, she was being roughed up by a group of bandits, when I rescued her she told me she was an orphan...she had a brother but they got seperated about a year ago, I asked her if she wanted me to put her into an orphanage or somethin but..." He trailed off and looked into the young girls direction, watching as she laughed at something the young boy had said to her. "does she use anytype of magic Laxus?" the young man nodded at his grandfather and called out to the smaller girl, "y/n can you do the thing you showed me earlier?" The blonde asked, the girl complied and whispered a small spell and closed her eyes as the master watched as chains erupted from her palms and wrapped around the barstool he was seated on. After about 10 seconds the chains disappeared, Laxus let the girl go back to the pink haired boy who was talked to five other children. "look I think she'd be a lot happier here than back on the streets. For some reason...the thought of abandoning her pains me, we should let her join the guild I-" The master put up his hand to his grandsons mouth, and ushered over two girls. "Mirajane go get the the guild mark stamps please, Erza I need you to help that small girl over there be familiar with the guild and give her a tour of fairy hills" suddenly a small pink haired boy ran up to the master with the small girl, hand in hand. "oooh! Gramps can I help show y/n around? please?" The salmon haired boy asked, the master looked over to the h/c girl and smiled softly "only if it's okay with her"

The small girl gave a bright smile to the master before nodding her head in response, the small boy grabbed her hand and dragged her around the guild hall for the next few hours, introducing her to everyone and showing her all his favorite places, of course, with the older redhead's supervision.


I closed the book and put it onto my nightstand an huddled underneath my blankets excited for the day to come.

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