Part two-chapter sixteen: last day

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"The fun part of it is that no one will know you're there except for the announcers! Your job is to follow Erza all the way to her encounter with Minerva, taking out as many opponents as you can along the way or helping your comrades take out their respective opponents!"

"What happens when I get to the encounter with Minerva?"

"If you begin to see Erza struggling or needing back up, by her some time by going one on one with Minerva, if she says shes doing fine, she'll give you signal for you to go ahead and get more points"


I watched from a rooftop as Erza dealt with Jenny quickly and moved on toward the Minerva fight, the redhead and I had agreed that I would take out as many smaller potential opponents that I could so that way Erza would be able to conserve her magic power.

When we I had gotten on a rooftop near where First Master had said Minerva would be, I scouted the area while standing behind a chimney. I was completely surprised when Kagura had jumped out, immediately going to attack Erza.

Minerva appeared and after a few seconds disappeared, Erza and Kagura began to sword fight, Erza pivoted her foot slightly too the right. I turned and left the fight, assuming that was the signal since whenever Erza fought I had never seen her move her foot that way.

I stopped about 2 miles away, that way the run back wouldn't take me too long.

I camped out on a roof over looking the battle going on between Gray and Lyon while Juvia dealt with Sherria.

"Didn't know you were here gorgeous"

"How come you're not fighting right now?"

"Thats a secret. You should know what its like to have them."

He spoke coldly toward me with that last response, taking a step closer.

"That stuff you pulled with milady wasn't cool Y/n-"

"Well her almost murdering my best friend wasn't cool either."

"It was just some friendly competition-"

"You know what you are fucking MENTAL "friendly competition" my ass! My friend could have died if i possibly hadn't caught her or if help didn't get there in time!"

Sting shot a laser at me, which I didn't entirely expect so I barely dodged it. The laser ended up cutting my hair, one side maintaining its normal h/t waist length to having the other a shorter uneven shoulder length. I looked down at the ground at the dust that used to be my hair, I groaned and used my chains to restrain his hands and legs, pulling him towards me.

"Im not gonna waste my time on this, so you sit tight and wait for me to come back, we'll settle this once we get those five points from Minerva"

I chained him up to a chimney, turning back toward the direction of where Erza and Kagura were fighting.

"How'd you know she was the leader?!" He shouted, I snickered and turned around, running backwards toward said fight.

"You guys are strong but not that smart! Thanks for confirming what I was thinking!"

I turned around and continued running, my heels clinking against the rooftops across Crocus. The sun was slowly beginning to descend, it took me a few minutes to reach the fight, with Kagura helping Erza out of some debris that had followed her.

I couldn't hear what they were saying but from the looks of it Kagura seemed calm and collected, so I could assume the battle was over.

I noticed Minerva appearing from behind suddenly grabbing a sword off the floor and stabbing Kagura slightly above her hip, I watched as Erza screamed at the raven haired woman, engaging her.

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