Part three-chapter seven: midnight

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After a few minutes the first goon I had taken out began to regain consciousness, I studied his appearance in order to confirm whether or not I knew who he was.

"Where the hell am I? Oi! Broad! Let me go-"

"Who do you work for?"

"The hell you talkin about?" He asked, I grabbed a small bag of grey powder from my pocket, the man asking me where I had attained this specific powder.

"The crushed ghostberry? Oh I found it in your bag, so did you know these worked well against dragonslayer noses or did your boss tell you that?" I questioned, the goon refused to answer, choosing instead to look toward his partner who was slowly waking up.

"Huh? Charlie? Where are we right now?"

"Shut up Zach!"

I watched as the two continued to bicker before I held up the crushed ghostberry, looking toward "Zach".

"Oi whats she doing with the stuff the boss gave us and poured on the little kid?" He asked, I snickered putting it into my pocket before walking toward the two of them.

"So who exactly is this boss of yours?"

"Huh? Like we'd tell you." 'Charlie' said, the two snickered before Zach spoke up.

"I mean...I'd tell ya if we got somethin in return" he said, the two snickered as I rolled my eyes. The two then abruptly stopped their laughter, staring in fear as a certain someone stood over them.

I laughed and watched as Natsu manifested a large flame in his fist, smirking devilishly as he stared down at the two of them.

"You sure about that?" He asked, the two stayed silent, refusing the answer. And after a few seconds, one of the goons looked over toward the other one, whispering quite loudly.

"I think this is the guy the boss told us about..."

"Yeah no shit dumbass."

The two continued to tremble in fear before Natsu got bored, switching them to me while sitting back with Lyon and Haruna. I couldn't even interrogate them properly since all you could hear was Natsu cooing at his daughter.

"Look at my smart little princess! You did such a good job today, papa is so proud of you!" He said, the little girls laughter soon following.

The two men before me stared in awe at the change in demeanor the dragon slayer had presented, i sighed and created a knife out of chains, throwing it over one of the goons head in order to get their attention.

"Listen just tell me who your boss is and maybe I wont hurt you."

"Sorry lady, we cant boss'l kill us, and frankly I'm not-"

I took the knife out of the tree, stabbing it right beside the goons head. He yelped in response, staring directly at me before I took the knife out, pressing it against his cheek.

"What was that?"

"N-nothing mam! Listen we were just told to take the rugrats back to our boss over at Avatar so they could deliver 'em somewhere else! Nothing more!"

"What's the name of your boss."

"Didn't say! We're apart of a dark guild and it was a request that we decided to take!"

"Okay then, who was that Lyon copycat you had?"

"O-our buddy he's got shapeshifting magic!"

I nodded, satisfied with his response before grabbing my lacrima from my pocket, dialing Lucy.

"Oh y/n! Thank god you're okay! Iggy is safe, we just took that Lyon goon into custody."

"When's my birthday?"

"It's April 25th, you're a Taurus, why are you asking me this?"

"Just wanted to make sure, anyway, we got the other two were gonna need help taking them into custody."

"Got it! On our way!"


Now it was about midnight, and Haruna had decided she wanted to walk to the motel. This kid had too much energy, especially this late compared to the rest of us.

Walking itself wasn't too bad, it was the fact that, as babies do, they get distracted by quite a lot. This meant one of us would have to stay behind with her and wait for her to get tired or drowsy while the others go on ahead, and my poor idiot husband, who I had warned had voluntarily gone.

We had lost sight of the two early on in the walk back, Happy had decided to stick with us much to Natsu's dismay. Both Igneel and Happy had made a run for it once we came into view of the motel, while Lucy and I followed.

Once we had returned to our room the exceed and the young boy both dashed toward their shared bed, I decided to take a quick bath beforehand while my blonde friend immediately went to sleep.

I took out a random shirt and pair of shorts from my bag, grabbing one of the surprisingly clean motel towels and turning on the water, just allowing for the hot water to run over me for a while.

After maybe about 10 minutes I heard someone enter our motel room, hearing a small soft yawn from the other side of the rather thin wall. After a while I heard the door open and the sound of footsteps.

I closed my eyes as I began to wash my hair, my body tensing up as I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist. I turned around, leaving my hair directly under the shower head allowing for the water to rinse out the soap from my hair. His arms remained around my waist, his hands hovering slightly above my lower back.

I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck and accepting the warmth of his body. He sighed heavily as he rested his head on my shoulder, his warm breath tickling the side of my neck.

"I put Haruna to sleep..." he mumbled, I nodded as we remained that position for a few seconds. I gasped suddenly as he sunk his teeth into my shoulder, causing my nails to dig into the back of his neck.

"Not here!"

"Why not?!"

"The walls are thin dummy! Anybody could hear us!" I exclaimed, However from the way his expression looked, Natsu couldn't care less.

He flashed me a mischievous smile, all while grabbing my thighs and pressing my back against the shower wall.

"Guess that just means you'll have to be quiet so they don't"

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