Part one-chapter fifteen: Fantasia and goodnight!

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I walked into the guildhall just before noon and sat down at the bar, ordering my usual from Mira and thinking about everything that had happened yesterday.

"So, how you feeling y/n?"

"Oh im fine now Mira thanks for asking"

"Thats good..."

The white haired woman looked around before leaning in to whisper something to me.

"Do you have any idea why Natsu is acting so weird?"

I blushed and allowed my ming to wander a bit, please don't let it be because of what happened yesterday...

"Um exactly is he being weird?"

Mira motioned for me to go behind the bar and into the kitchen, to "help" her with dishes. I grabbed my now empty plate and glass into the back kitchen, one we had gotten there Mira had locked the door quickly before turning to me and grabbing my dish.

"Well we had an "interaction" with him earlier"

"How so?"

"Well this morning he came into the guildhall and asked for you, nothing out of ordinary but he seemed of the biggest changes i noticed was in his scent, normally I don't even pay attention to what he smells like but today it was strong, it smelled sweet and addicting, i asked him about it but he didnt say a word, he was just silent, then he was sniffing the he was looking for something-er, someone."

"Huh, maybe I'll go talk to him about it later, I was hanging out with him yesterday and I noticed his eyes kinda was odd"

"Maybe ask Levy, she might know something about it"

I nodded and made my way back out of the kitchen, I planned on paying Natsu a quick visit to see if he even knows whats going on with him.

Once I got to Happy and Natsu's house I knocked on the door gently before going inside. "Hey, are you feeling okay-" "you can't be here"
He interrupted, he stayed on his hammock rocking side to side and covering his eyes. "Natsu, whats going on with you- *sniff* whats that smell? Its super sweet" I continued to make my way through his house, avoiding the tissues all over the floor as well as spotting a rather large pile of laundry in the corner.

I made my way over to the boy and put my hand in his hair, standing in front of him. He looked up at me and sniffed the air, getting up from the hammock and smelling my neck but then restraining himself a second later.

"You smell different..."

"What're you talking about Natsu?"

"You're scent...normally you smell like tropical fruits and the beach but smell like a mix of lavender, vanilla, and roses..." as he said that to me he stepped toward me, I was so focused on his change in behavior I hadn't even noticed he was only in some shorts. I felt my face heat up as he stepped toward me, using one of his hands to grip my waist and pull me closer to him while the other grabbed my chin and pulled my lips closer to his. "Its making me go insane...y/n I can barely control myself around you..." there it was again, that look his eyes had yesterday were there, except, they appeared more intense, cloudier, the red slowly replacing his eyes natural dark green color.

Suddenly his eyes changed again, but instead of stopping, we continued.


"Wow mommy! They all look so pretty!"

"They sure do baby, look theres the chain user!"

I smiled toward the woman and her child and blew them both a small kiss before returning to the routine.

Suddenly there was an increase in magic energy, which was our signal. I raised my hand and put up our guild hand sign. Master and I both knew Laxus would be here, every year he would come back home just in time for the fantasia parade.

Ill be here when you come back, don't keep me waiting you asshole.


We finally reached the end of the parade and it was time to go home, I went into the bathroom inside the guildhall and changed out of my costume. There Natsu, Happy and Lucy were talking before she left, sprinting out of the guild and leaving both Natsu and Happy confused.

I left the guildhall and proceeded to walk home, until I heard someone start sprinting toward me. I turned around fully prepared to possibly face some pervert or something but all that was there was Happy with Natsu trailing behind him, "hey n/n, can Natsu spend the night with you?" He asked, "um sure, why?" Happy didnt respond, instead grabbing his friend by the collar and pulling him toward me.

"Oh no reason! Well he's all yours for now! Have fun you guys!"

I giggled as the dragon slayer proceeded to shout at the blue feline as he flew away, then turning to me and apologizing. "Sorry about that, I'll just go home-" "stay." The dragon slayer stopped for a second and looked at me curiously "wait...really?" He asked, i nodded and grabbed his hand, leading him into fairy hills and dragging him to my room.

"Are you sure? Like 100 percent?"

"Natsu, since when do you ask for permission to sleep in somebody else's house? Yes its okay dummy"

"I was just makin sure, yknow after what happened before the parade"

I dragged him onto my bed and sat down across from him, I gave him a gentle smile before interlocking my hand with his.

"I loved every second of it...I just wanted to make sure you did too"

"It was amazing, im pretty sure everyone here isn't coming back until later...maybe we could do it again?"

He smirked before flashing me a large grin and grabbing my hands, pinning them above my head. I let out a small yelp at the sudden force to which he chuckled in response to, giving me a small gentle smile and proceeding to interlock my lips with his into a soft sensual kiss.

Tonight was gonna be a very good night.

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