Part one-chapter nineteen: year x784 2/2

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"When you wake up you'll know where to go."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?- HEY where'd you go?!"

Suddenly the room slowly began to fall apart, the small rickety bed in the corner fell through the floor, although without knowing I managed to grab the hideous plush cat that had almost fallen along with the bed.

I panicked and went to open the door, but it was locked. I looked behind me at the floor disappearing and rammed my body into the door.

I opened my eyes and shot up out of bed, gasping for air.

"Child, please remain in the bed- hey where are you going?!"

I continued running down the hall making a sharp right past the study we had previously been in, with the King, Arcadios and dozens of soldiers following behind me. I made a left down a much longer hallway than the rest and slid down a railing on the staircase, I immediately pushed open the doors and continued to run down a staircase. I only stopped at the third entry down, i sprinted inside and took another right, walking toward something. Although I didn't know what, i kept walking.

Suddenly my body stopped moving once we had reached a wooden door. My hand reached for the handle on the door, the entirety of this part of the castle was cold, light breeze coming in through the windows, except, the handle. It was odd, how could everywhere in this place be absolutely freezing but the handle be warm? Just by the look of this place no one's been here in years.

"Stop! No one is permitted to be-"

"Enough Arcadios. Young l/n please continue."

I nodded toward the king and pushed open the door, it was the same bed, with the same cat plushie for the dream I had while unconscious. Except, this time along with the bed there was a bassinet, a small blue bassinet.

The bassinet was clean, the blankets and coverings were a pearly white and the ribbons were a beautiful sky blue. The entire thing, untouched by the dust and dirt throughout the room.

I looked back onto the bed at the cat plush, in my dream it had no color and it looked disheveled. Now, the cat was a dirty yellow color due to all the dirt and the eyes were...still broken. Creepy.

"Celia..."I muttered, reaching out for the cat. Grabbing its small arm and holding it out in front of me.

"When my daughter was born, i was able to hide her from my family for the first two months of her life. Once her and Elaine were sent to live here we used my old bassinet from when I was a child."

"Im sure by now you've connected the dots miss L/n."

"Holy shit...this is a lot..."

"Welcome home princess y/n l/n Fiore."


"Wheres mama going?"

"Oh dearie, your mama is a wee bit sick as of now, your papa is sending her off to a healer out in the forest. Dont worry mum you'll be stayin here with me for the time bein."

"Okay Bunty, can you give ceila a bath she dirty...please?"

"Oh of course mum, she does look a bit dirty doesn't she?"


"Oh my stars... I never thought I'd see you again! You look so grown! Just like ya mother! Oh and I see yous is expectin'! Oh happy day!"

I smiled as the bigger woman hugged me gently, cautious of my baby bump.

"Hi Bunty, how have you been?"

"I been good mum, the king told us that you was comin back after he spent years tryna find ya, im so sorry about what happened to ya guild mum"

"Its ok Bunty i'm sure they'll come back..."

"Of course mum, now in the meantime lets getcha changed, we have a returnin princess to celebrate!"

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