Part two-chapter twenty five: broken heart

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Waking up was odd, my body felt so energized and my heart was racing a mile a minute.

But I couldn't move.

I looked around me and attempted to move my arms, barely noticing that I was in a completely encased in water. I looked to the side and noticed a small silhouette beside me, along with a larger one that had suddenly burst open.

I watched as two silhouettes fought for a bit, in that time my vision had cleared up and my I was finally able to move my body. I looked over to my left and saw a familiar child in the tube beside me, I immediately began to bang on the tube, trying desperately to break whatever material was holding me. I looked over and saw Mira, coming over and breaking all of the containers.

The two of us fell from the tubes, one of the broken pieces of it gashing my leg and hip.

I immediately crawled over toward the smaller boy, cradling him in my arms in a protective manner. The boy had multiple scratches along his legs and arms, he winced a bit as my hand grazed his injuries.

"Y/n! Try and regroup with the others! They should be somewhere downstairs, Lisanna take her with you!" Mira shouted, turning her attention toward her opponent once again.

I picked up my son and followed Lisanna out the doors of the room.

"This place is like a maze..."

"I know...y/n how're you feeling?"

"Im fine...I just want to focus and regrouping with the others and getting him back to the guild..."

The two of us continued running around the base, hitting dead ends at every turn.



"Try and find a window" i asked, the girl nodded and the two of us continued to run around.

After a few minutes we still couldn't find a window, the two of us continued to roam around for a while until stumbling upon a cell.

"Who else is here Lisanna?"

"From who I saw...Natsu, Me, You, Iggy, big brother Elf, Mira, Gray, Wendy and Lucy I'm sure"

"Thats- wait I think I hear someone..." I whispered, the two of us ducked behind a pillar, listening in on the conversation.

"Our opponents may be stronger than we intended for them to be"

"So I've heard, did you capture Renèe's kin?"

"I believe she escaped sir-"

I grabbed Lisannas hand and dragged her down the stairs noticing a rather large door, the two of us left the base and stood outside for a second.

"How much magic power do you have?"

"A decent amount, why?"

"I need you to take him, as far away from this place as possible."

"What- y/n?"

"Please...just do it" I pleaded, the girl reluctantly agreed and transformed. I pecked my son's forehead one last time before running back into the base, I ducked into an empty room and stood there for a second hoping to catch my breath.

Suddenly my vision became blurry again and everything soon became dark, I prayed for it not to be some extension of those Lacrima pieces I had used.

Suddenly I was in that lab room from before, my body felt beaten and bruised as I laid there. Two women appeared in front of me, one with green eyes and the other who appeared to be the one Mira had been fighting earlier.

I felt someone shake my body yelling at me to get up. But I couldn't.

The green eyed woman left some powder in front of me, grabbing my head and smothering it in the powder.

"Such a own flesh and blood, so weak and defenseless."

"Renèe is she beginning?"

"We'll have to wait and see. Get the boy."

Seliah and two others grabbed Igneel as he screamed and shouted for me to help him, I felt so weak and useless. I began to scream for someone to help, praying that someone would arrive.

"Oh my poor sweet child...we've already wiped out every single one of those disgusting humans, including your little boy toy." Renèe said, she walked over slowly, bending down and taking my ring off my finger.

"You wont be needing this anymore." She whispered, I clenched my fists tightly, tears slowly streaming down my face as she said that.

"Give it back."

"Oh she can still stand hah, how dare you talk to your grandmother that way."

"I said give it back you wench." I muttered, Renèe walked over and kicked me in the head in response. My head stung in pain from the contact of her foot, she grabbed the collar of the on piece I was wearing and pulled me up to look at her.

"Nobody, has ever spoken to me that way before. Watch your mouth little one." She said, the expression she was making was truly one of the most intimidating ones I had ever seen. She dropped me, turning her attention toward my son before looking back at me.

My legs shook as they moved toward the small boy, he cried as he pleaded for me to stop and get control over myself. I couldn't speak and it felt as if I couldn't move, however I could feel the tears, falling down my cheeks.

"Chain enchantment: broken heart"

The boy cried and cried at the pain he was feeling. In all my years of being a mage I had only ever vowed to not use one spell.

Broken heart did as it said it would, break a person's heart.

Not figuratively, no, it would slowly use microscopic chains to slowly rip the heart into bits and pieces.

After a few seconds the crying stopped, only to be replaced with choking noises. I stepped back, dropping down onto my knees, finally regaining control over my body.

"Im so sorry, im so sorry, what have I done? Im a monster!"

"Perfect, its begun."

I sprouted a sharpened chain from my hand, standing up and running toward both Seliah and Renèe with it.

Until I felt it pierce my lower torso, right where my uterus is.

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