Part three-chapter five: family

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We all walked into the Lamia Scale guild, all of us greeting Wendy and Carla once again before taking a seat at a small table with some tea.

"They've grown so much Y/n! Don't you think so too Carla?"

"Yes, those children have grown quite a bit. It seems if only yesterday the little one was only a newborn, the boy seems about twice as large as the last time I had seen them."

I smiled and asked Wendy if she wanted to carry my daughter, to which she had agreed without hesitation. I gently lowered the girl and cooed at her to walk toward the blunette, which she did. Multiple people in the room awed at the sight before Wendy had finally picked her up, all of us still having yet to tell her what we were even here for.

"So what brings you guys here anyway? Not that I'm not happy to see you guys! I'm just...curious"

"Well we're planning on rebuilding Fairy tail! And we wanted you to join us!"

"Guys...I'd love to but I'm apart of Lamia Scale now"

The trio beside me stared at her surprisingly and questioned her as Igneel and I watched from the sidelines.

"I told you guys we couldn't ask her" I reminded, Lucy looked at me for a second before asking me if I had known. "Obviously, I'm the princess of do know we keep records of almost everyone in any guild it's just confidential" I finished, Wendy nervously laughed before apologizing again. All of us remained silent before Wendy finally handed me back Haruna, apologizing once again.

"Don't apologize, their just in shock is all! Don't let them influence whether or not you want to stay, this is your decision Wendy, but we are all still a family! We'll support you no matter what" I told her, the young girl smiled, the slightest bit of tears in the corner of her eyes were visible before she had turned away.

I got up from the seat and handed the baby girl toward her Father while Happy remained with Lucy, "alright you guys lets head back to the motel, we'll do some more exploring tomorrow" I said, grabbing both of the adults by their shoulders and leading them toward the direction of the motel, with Igneel leading the way.

Once we had arrived I watched the kids as they played while Happy, their father, and aunt were still in their comatose of shock.

That is until the two boys unconsciously began to tickle Lucy and then proceeded to get their ass beat before the four of us started a conversation on the matter.

"I wonder if everyone else will feel the same way as she does..."

"Well if they do there's not much we can do about it-"

"But their our family n/n!"

"I know Happy, and families support each other no matter what. We have to face the facts."

"Man! I don't care if she's apart of that guild I'll kidnap her if I have to!"

"Natsu! Don't you dare!"

I smacked in on the back of the head before the three of us continued talking, Happy decided he was hungry and bored so he decided to eat while watching the kids.

"Wait y/n do you know where everyone else is? Like Cana, Master, Erza, Gray, etc...?"

"I can't say...for their safety and ours but those four I actually have no clue...I do know where two more people are for sure though."

Lucy sighed, before accepting my response and sitting down on the bed, pulling both her journal and mine out of the backpack.

I watched Natsu walk over to the kids, getting on all fours and pretending to be a horse for our daughter as our son helped her maintain balance.

I smiled at the sight before turning my attention toward Lucy once again, sitting down beside her and talking with her about the possible whereabouts of my mother.

"Are you sure that whole coma thing wasn't fake? Like it wasn't a dream?"

"They've never been fake grandmother's was completely true so I only have that to go off of."

"Maybe try using one of the pieces? I mean you have all seven plus some secret ones too-"

"No. I wanna save those for when its really important...what if I need all these one day? Better to be safe than sorry"

The two of us continued theorizing for about another hour or two, after sundown. I looked out the window and noticed how dark it was, I made my way over to the group who were all currently on the floor, just laying there.

"Alright party's over. Bedtime." I demanded, the small boy yawned and groaned before making his way toward a room attached to ours, saying his goodnights to all of us while his younger sister began to whine.

As the young girl threw her tantrum I reached into my bag and pulled out a toy boat,

"bath time then bed?"

"Baba!" She blabbed, i smiled and lifted her up handing her to her father.

"Make the water boiling hot or else she'll throw a tantrum again, i'm gonna get her stuff ready"

Natsu nodded, carrying the girl into the bathroom. It was nice, it finally felt like we were a full functioning family. No battles, no extreme safety measures, no abandonment, just a casual night.

It was nice, hearing the smaller girl giggling from across the room, knowing Natsu he was probably making a fool of himself for her enjoyment. I grabbed a diaper bag and carried it to the bathroom, leaning on the door frame as I watched Natsu manifest some fire onto his fingers, only for Haruna to chomp on them.

"Ow princess! You bite hard!" He dramatically said, the small girl frowned before taking her father's hand and kissing it. Natsu looked up at me practically with tears in his eyes as he held the girl tightly. I chuckled as he began to pepper kisses on his daughter's much to her delight.

Once he was done with his moment I handed him a few bottles of hair porducts, along with a bar of soap and a cup. He stared at me for a moment before I took off my coat leaned closer toward him and grabbed his hands, putting a small bit of product in one of his palms and scrubbing it it the little girls hair, with Haruna continuing to play with her toy boat as usual.

I continued showing Natsu how to wash his daughters hair, before he began to pick up on it himself and do it on his own. I smiled in content as I leaned back against a sink, supervising bath time.

I watched Haruna yawn as her father drained the bathtub, slowly releasing her boat toy from her hand as I reached over, wrapping her up in her towel and replacing the toy boat with a her favorite stuffed bear instead. Since she was practically asleep I had no trouble changing her whatsoever, which was a relief. I walked toward Natsu, noticing multiple bandages across his body. Jeez that training really must've done a number on him. I thought, suddenly I felt my feet lift up off the ground as Natsu carried me into the room our son was already asleep in.

"Natsu! What the hell!" I whispered, the male yawned in response, gently resting me on the bed while our daughter rested on my chest. Natsu crawled into bed beside me, gently moving the baby girl onto his own chest. I smiled as he pulled me into an side embrace, his arm around my waist securely as my arms wrapped around his torso.

I felt his rough lips press against my forehead gently before mumbling something, I smiled and buried myself into his side in response before speaking.

"Goodnight, I love you."

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