Part two-chapter thirty: spring brings new beginnings

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(Im pushing the timeline bc i want to, complain all you want idc)

March 25th, x792

"There ya are mum, I brought ya a towel, you'll be just fine! Its not like you haven't done this before!" Bunty exclaimed, currently I was in the early stages of labor. My father offered us to stay in Crocus with him until after labor, since he wanted to see his second grandchild but wouldn't be allowed to if we stayed in Magnolia. Gajeel and Igneel were out in the hallway of my bedroom, while Natsu was in the room with me.

I was only about eight centimeters dilated, meaning we would just have to play the waiting game for a while before the real pain kicks in.

"Thank you Bunty, you've been an absolute angel" I said, the woman smiled before leaving to go attend to my father who was hyperventilating outside the room in the hallway.

I looked over at Natsu, slumped in the chair. His head in his hands and looking down at his feet, bouncing his leg anxiously. He's been looking forward to this day for the past month, counting down day, after day. It was unexpected to see him like this.

"Whats going on with you?"

"Hm? Nothing"

"You sure? Because you look like you're the one about to push out a baby" I joked, the mage laughed, pecking my forehead gently and grabbing my hand. "Im sorry, just feels weird y'know? Never expected myself to be in this position, but, I'm happy I am"

I smiled before the mage looked at me for a second in a curious manner.

"How long does it take to get it out?"


"Like to push it out? Is it like an hour? Ten minutes?"

"Why? Ya got somewhere to be?"

"No, just wanted to know geez-" suddenly someone came in bursting through the door, immediately rushing to my side.

"Sorry I was late! Stupid train took longer than usual"

"No worries Lucy, I'm just glad you're here"

The blonde took a seat on my other side, the three of us now waiting for Porlyusica to come in with my Grandmother to check and see if I was dilated enough.

After another thirty minutes of talking I began to get pains on my lower body that felt a bit like cramps, coincidentally both my grandmother and Porlyusica ran into the room.

The two of them made sure that everything was normal before instructing for me to relax and take a breath before beginning to push. Natsu gave me his hand, allowing for me to squeeze it as much as I needed to.

With everything that has happened to me in my life this should be easy, and I've done it before so this should be easy.

That was such a lie.

My lower body felt like it was being torn in half, the pain was absolutely awful. Ive been struck by 500,000 volts of lightning before yet somehow this is worse. Hell, even the first time I did this it wasn't this bad, still sucked but it didn't make me feel like my limbs were being detached.

I wailed and cried as the blonde comforted me, saying words of encouragement while Natsu continued to allow me to crush his hand.

"I see the head, the shoulders are going to be the hardest part so be ready."

I nodded and continued to push, it had already been ten minutes and the head was just barely out. Last time I did this I was already at the shoulders, this is some bullshit.

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