Part one-chapter twenty three: year x791, you can wait.

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Bunty handed me the letter she was holding, she looked at me slightly concerned. I opened the envelope gently, taking out the sheet of paper and reading it.

"Dear y/n, earlier this week we were told by some travelers that Tenrou island still exists, I know, hard to believe...myself and a team of others are heading to Tenrou to see if at the very least their still hold your horses kid, i get you need closure...we all do. But I know you have your own royal duties or whatever, but hey, by the time you get this it'll probably then end of the week. So you'll find out tomorrow. See you soon, Macao"

I stared down at the paper, allowing a few tears to fall from my face.

"You alright dearie?"

I nodded and smiled, tears spilling out of my eyes. Igneel came running into the room, giggling and laughing. He stopped suddenly, running over to me and embracing me gently.
"Please don't cry mama..." the not so small boy said to me, I sniffled and nodded running my fingers gently through his soft pink hair.

"You all packed buddy?"

"Mhm, I got aunty to help me pick clothes" he stated, releasing himself from my grip running toward the closet, grabbing a small red bag with his happy plush poking out of the side. I smiled and nodded before getting up from my chair. Walking over to the closet and going into the far back of it, grabbing my signature outfit I wore everyday for years. One I haven't seen in at the very least a year, Bunty saw me reach for it, grabbing my crown off my vanity and handing it to me. "Remember mum you have to wear the crown at all times, and, are ya sure you want to wear that? What about your gown?" She asked me, i smiled and went behind a small room divider to change "This feels more like me Bunty, I feel so comfy in it".

The older woman nodded and smiled noticing how my guild mark was still prominent, I placed the crown upon my head and laced up my thigh high boots. I looked in the mirror of my vanity, a sudden avalanche of memories shot through my head. Something was missing, but I couldn't put my finger on it, my guild mark was there, the two piece looked exactly the same and the boots haven't changed a bit.

I looked around the room until Igneel handed me my black overcoat, I gave him a small thank you before putting it on, finally feeling complete.

I walked into the closet, grabbing my travel bag and placing it next to the door. The sun was just going down, meaning we'd leave within the next few hours. I laid down on the bed, followed by the small pink haired boy cuddling up beside me, falling asleep rather quickly. While he slept I brushed my hands through his soft yet spiked pink hair.

I didn't want to get my hopes up only to be broken down, but I've waited seven year for your return. I can wait a couple more hours to possibly see you again.


It's been about ten minutes since we came back and everyone was celebrating, laughing, crying, dancing, but I was upset, I felt guilty...I felt lonely. I felt someone tap my shoulder, I looked up and saw Romeo standing beside me.

"Whats goin on Natsu? Figured you'd be happy to come back"

"I am. I just feel guilty..."

"You wanna know somethin?" The small dark haired boy asked me, I shrugged and repositioned myself to face said boy. "As years went by we all slowly started to believe that you guys were gone but y/n...she always held on, hell even when Igneel was a few-"


"Oh shit...I wasn't supposed to tell ya' umm... when Y/n was in her last month of bein pregnant she said she had a dream, it was of you and her in a field on a swingin chair talking about baby names, she said you suggested it if the baby was a boy, so she used it. Haha sorry I ruined the surprise for ya"

I couldn't help but smile as I felt tears run down my face, using my hands to cover my eyes. I immediately shot up from the table running out toward the entrance of the guild hall, only to be stopped by Erza, grabbing me by the scarf to stop me from going anywhere.

"Relax Natsu, where are you going we just got back-"

"I need to see y/n and my son let me go dammit!"


"Romeo! You told him?!"

"Sorry! It just slipped!"

Erza dragged me over to the where everyone was huddled up, from there Bisca explained how y/n was already a few months along when we left for Tenrou Island, she told us how y/n brings Igneel with her when she would visit every weekend. She went on and on about how she's already familiarized Igneel with everyone, including me.

"She made an effort raising that kid on her own, yknow his first word was 'papa', everyday she'd show him a picture Reedus did of the two of ya' just so the kid had an idea of who his dad was."

Once she finished talking everyone had crowded around me, asking me all types of questions, I managed to push through them out of the guildhall until my head started beating the hell out of me, causing me to stumble.

"Hey Natsu maybe you should sit down, even though we were frozen for seven years our wounds still haven't healed, maybe its best if we wait."

Erza came over and placed her hand on my shoulder before speaking "shes arriving tomorrow, you can wait."

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