Part two-chapter five: Elaine

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The light shined brightly on my face, I sat up from the bed slowly as to not wake up the male who was snuggling into my waist. I lifted the blanket slightly, using it to cover my bare chest, running my hands through his hair.

After a few minutes I felt him stir slightly, his dark onyx eyes slowly fluttered open, he quickly used his hand to cover his eyes in order to shield them from the light.

"Mornin" I heard him mutter, I smiled and muttered a good morning in return. We laid there for a few seconds in complete silence, suddenly there was a firm knock on the front door startling the two of us. We quickly changed into out new clothes since they were readily available and approached the door, the knocking continued until we had finally opened the door.

"Gee you guys were still sleepin? Cmon we got leave soon so speed it up, were all waitin for ya"

I sighed, nodding at the ice mage and heading into the bedroom, grabbing both our bags and slinging them over my shoulders. When I had left the bedroom, Natsu was standing at the front door, carrying our sleeping son. I watched as Happy flew beside them, grabbing one of the bags from off my shoulder and handing it to the dragon slayer.

Much to the dragon slayers dismay, Master decided we would be taking carriages to our "surprise" destination.

Oh how im going to dread these next few hours.


Once we had arrived to the beach, which happened to be the "surprise" location, we all had split up in order to train on our own.

I was off more toward a hoard of coconut trees, using my chains to wrap around the trees. I tugged at them slightly, glancing toward the shore every so often. Since Erza wanted to take a bit of time off to swim she had offered to watch Igneel for me while I trained, I looked over to the two of them. I sighed, turning all my attention back to these trees, my main goal during this training period is to build up more of my muscle strength, work on my stealth skills, and hopefully widen my spell repertoire.

Once I made sure the chains were secure, I made my non dominant foot step back, pulling the chains with as much strength as I could muster. The trees bent toward me a bit until they had cracked completely, the root of the tree exposed slightly.

I bit the inside of my cheek, dissatisfied with the result.

I walked over to my bag, grabbing a book from it and looking around the beach. I looked over toward a large rock on the edge of the shore line, taking a seat on it, opening the book.

Ive had this book for a few years now, it was a spell book on various types of enchantment magics, I never got the chance to read it or use my magic as much, since I was pregnant.

Speaking of, I looked over to the shore once again to see Igneel asleep beside Wendy and Carla as Levy explains something to Wendy. I sighed and began to study the book, hoping to adapt some of the spells to fit better with my type of enchantment magic.

After a few minutes of reading my head began to throb, i rubbed my temples in an attempt to soothe the pain. For the next couple seconds the headache remained, gradually becoming more and more intolerable by the second.

Someone must have taken notice since I suddenly felt the presence of someone beside me, everything was blurry, only for a second.

When everything was clear again Wendy was seated beside me, her hand rested on my bare shoulder.

"Y/n you shouldn't overwork yourself so much, take breaks in between" she cautioned me, i smiled softly and nodded, thanking the girl for her warning.

Once she had left I decided to lay down on the rock I was seated on, closing my eyes and using my arm to shield them from the harsh sunlight.

After a few seconds I eventually gave up on my attempt to "relax" and instead turned my attention to my son, who was seated with Carla on the sand as Wendy practiced a few spells on a nearby palm tree.

I got up from the rock and grabbed my book, lowering myself from it and walking into a large tent on the outskirts of our campsite.

I walked inside and laid on my stomach, opening the book once again in an attempt to study the spells and hopefully, actually being able to use them.


I dimmed the light of the lantern slightly, putting away my spell book and instead grabbing a folder I had been given by my father back in the palace.

I was supposed to read it the day I went back to Magnolia, but because of everything that had happened, I just forgot about it.

I opened the folder slowly, inside of it were two papers, along with a letter, and a small bag with a piece of what id assume to be lacrima in it.

I grabbed one of the papers, flipping it and glancing at both sides.

" Elaine L/n,
Date of birth: Unknown
Date of death: 12/03
Hair: curled, H/c
Eyes: e/c
Height: 5"7
Relatives: Y/n L/n (daughter, alive)
Magic: Enchantment, chain formation"

I glanced over the rest of the information, overlooking anything that seemed like a bias statement.

Eventually, I turned my attention to the letter. I slipped it into my hand and inspected it, the wax seal was chipped slightly, and the paper was a slightly yellow color signifying that it was at least over a decade old.

Dear Y/n,

By the time you read this i will be gone, i'm sorry to leave you behind like this but it would seem that my time here is slowly running out.

I asked Bunty to hide this letter in your father's office in my personal folder and to tell him to gift it to you once you turned 18. Although, knowing him, he probably forgot and gave it to you a year later.

Regardless, there is one thing I must inform you of, in this folder im sure you noticed the piece of lacrima.

Think of it as a piece of a family heirloom, ive hidden the pieces around the entirety of Crocus, they're in the spaces only you would remember.

There are seven pieces total, each piece uses a rare type of body link magic, allowing for you to access a number of things. Although, you may not find them in order.

The one given to you will allow for you to access the memories of our ancestors, this includes me.

The second will allow for you to take a small glance into your future.

The third will allow for you to access something called a "third origin", this is exclusive to our bloodline.

The fourth will allow you to access one of my memories from childhood.

The fifth will allow for me or anyone of our blood to visit you internally whenever you wish, although you are restricted from asking me or them certain questions.

The sixth will grant you access to a hidden room underneath the maids quarters, along with a map.

The seventh will allow for you to ask me one question. Any question at all.

I love you Y/n. Im sorry.

-your mother,

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