Part one-chapter twenty one: year x787

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"And congratulations Sabertooth on their win this year! Ladies and Gentlemen feast your eyes upon the new number one guild of fiore, along with their two new rising stars...the twin dragons! Your highness, anything else to add?"

"Once again, congratulations to Sabertooth on their win in the third annual grand magic games, as well as Lamia scale securing second place! Im very excited to meet you all personally at the banquet later tonight!" I exclaimed, the crowd cheered and Arcadios escorted me out of the balcony of the judges panel.

"Thank you so much for doing this your highness, the people love you!"

"Oh it was my pleasure, thank you for having me! Now if you'll excuse me I have to go discuss some things with my father." The announcer nodded in response, i turned away to follow Arcadios down to the entrance of the arena.

After a few minutes Arcadios and I finally arrived back at the castle where I was greeted by a certain mischievous little one running into my dress.

"Mama! Grampa chase me!"

"Oh baby is he? Well you gotta run away! Dont let him catch you!" Igneel smiled before looking behind him to check if his grandfather was still chasing him, which he was. The small pink haired boy ran off around the banquet hall followed by his grandfather who bid me a quick 'hello' before turning back to chase my son.

I walked over to Hisui who was standing in the corner, she smiled and dismissed one of the caterers she was speaking to.

"How are you feeling n/n?"

"Im feeling fine, the games don't necessarily get easier to watch each year. Im still hopeful. They'll come back."

"Are you going to cover it tonight? From what I gather, Sabertooth was never too big of a fan of your guild."

"Im not going to cover it. I never have and never will. Don't get me wrong im thankful I finally found my family but that guild made me the person I am today. Id feel ashamed if I covered it."

My sister nodded before being called over by a decorator, i waved her off and smiled. Turning to my son and father who were currently sneaking snacks off the father was watching him sneak snacks.

I walked over to the two and lifted up Igneel from the floor, letting him whine for a second before dragging him off for a bath.

Once we had reached my bedroom we headed into the bathroom, Bunty was already there, folding towels and replacing the soaps. I smiled and waved her off to which she sighed and thanked me, grabbing her bag and heading home for the day.

"Alright baby, you wanna do mama a favor and get in the tub?" I asked, the smaller boy nodded and gave me a small grin before stumbling off into the tub, taking off his clothes on the way there.

He looks and acts more and more like him everyday...

"Mama im hungry..."

"You can eat as much as you want at the party later baby, okay?"

The small boys eyes lit up as he turned his back to me. I smiled and put a small bit of shampoo on my hands, scrubbing it into his spiked pink hair. There were nights when I'd cry myself to sleep missing them, wondering what it would've been like if I had gone with them, worried that over time I would forget what their faces even looked like.

However, as Igneel grew and got older, I slowly pushed those to the side. Using the hope I had held onto the past three years to familiarize the boy with the guild, even when he was learning to speak I would show him the picture Reedus painted and point toward his father, repeatedly asking who it was.


"Good job baby! Now who's that?"


"Yeah thats your papa! Im sure, somewhere out there your papa is watching over you and me"


I helped Igneel slip his small boots on and lifted him up, handing him to Hisui who was taking him downstairs. Once they were gone I locked the door and went into my closet grabbing a dark blue ballgown and putting it on, walking out of my bedroom and placing my gold crown on my head.

Once I had gotten downstairs I was greeted by the guild master of Sabertooth, we exchanged 'hello's before I turned to greet the second place winners, Lamia scale.

"Ah y/n don't you look lovely."

"Lyon! Its so nice to see you again! How've you been?"

"Ive been fine, how are you and mini salamander?"

"We're fine, actually after dinner were leaving to head back to Magnolia to visit."


"They will return Lyon I just know it. I feel it in my heart..."

"Y/n I may have had a romantic and power fueled rivalry with Gray, it hurt me just as much as it hurt you when they announced wont hurt to move on-"

"Thank you Lyon but I'll wait, I dont know for how long...but I'll wait, five, ten, fifteen, hell, maybe even twenty years if it means they'll all return."

"Y/n im saying this to you as a friend, Igneel needs a father figure-"

"And he'll have one, Lyon please...they'll all come back im sure of it. Natsu, Gray, Lucy, Erza, Wendy, Gajeel- all of them will come back."

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