Part two-chapter twenty: nightmares?

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I woke up inside of a carriage, my head resting on a certain fire mage's shoulder while or son slept on his lap. It looked to be about early morning, everyone in the carriage having been completely unconscious.

I stared out the window for a few minutes, watching as the sunrise began to appear, the gloom of early morning replacing by a mix of warm toned colors.

"How far do you think we are from Magnolia?"  Erza asked, I jumped slightly at the sudden sound of her voice, causing her to laugh softly and apologize.

"Its alright, don't worry, from what I can assume maybe a few hours?" I estimated, Erza nodded in response, quickly doing a requip spell and changing into her pajamas. I sighed and complained to myself about how convenient and amazing her magic was.

I looked down at my shoes, or, lack there of. My eyes then trailed up to my legs, I had just realized that I was wearing normal fabric biker shorts and one of Natsu's vests. I smiled and looked over toward the mage, noticing that he scarf was no longer wrapped around his neck rather, it was used to keep our son warm.

I looked out the window once again, resting my head on the cold glass and falling asleep again.

My head was throbbing in pain, my vision was fuzzy and my hands felt like needles were going inside them. I collapsed onto the ground and looked at the figure in front of me.

"Such a shame...I would have thought that id you were a part of me you would have been a more formidable opponent." Her voice was cold and stern, she sounded genuinely disappointed for whatever reason.

She walked up a small flight of stairs, yelling and pointing at me. Suddenly a dark blue outline appeared in front of me, manifesting some type of magic in their hand before shooting it through my chest. I heard someone scream in complete and utter agony, followed by footsteps.

"Y/n please you have to get up!"

"Please don't leave me alone!"

"Please Y/n"


"Y/n! Hello?" I shot up from my position head-butting whoever was trying to wake me up. I looked up and saw Gray with his palm on his forehead and groaning slightly in pain.

"oh shit...i'm sorry Gray"

"Its fine, did ya have a nightmare or somethin?"

"You could say that...anyway, whats going on?"

"Were about 20 minutes away from magnolia at a rest stop, master wants us all to be ready just in case they have a celebration waiting for us or somethin"

I nodded and thanked the ice mage before grabbing my back pack and walking out of the carriage making a b-line for the changing rooms. I changed into the outfit I had worn on the fifth day of the games, after all, the seamstress went through all the trouble of having this outfit delivered to Crocus, I better get my use out of it.

I walked back into the carriage, only to find everyone passed out once again inside.


Even though we were only gone for a few months I had missed the atmosphere of this tiny home. I immediately collapsed onto the sofa, my body had been aching the entire way here from the rest stop.

It was about noon when we had arrived, everyone else decided to stay at the new guild hall to celebrate, however, I wasn't exactly in the mood for it.

I heard the front door close, and a presence behind me. It felt like someone was digging their nails into my exposed neck, i hissed in pain before standing up and seeing the front door open. I went and grabbed a knife from the kitchen counter and slowly walked toward the door, nobody was there.

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