Part two-chapter six: I have to go

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I stood next to Levy and Lucy, talking about how beautiful the celestial world we currently were standing in. What we originally thought was a distress call just turned out to be more of an elaborate thank you.

I fiddled with the piece of Lacrima I had received last night in my hand, I had already told Levy and Lucy what had happened the night before, to say that they were both curious was an understatement.

"So are you going to use it?"

"Im not sure yet...i dont even know where the other six pieces are!"

"Well they're lacrima pieces, meaning their fragile, so they'd have to be in places where they'd remain safe for years."

"That makes sense, the only problem is I don't remember anything at all about my life before i joined the guild."

"Maybe ask your dad? If anything he might know something"

I nodded and continued to fiddle with the lacrima piece, until I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist. I smiled and placed the lacrima piece in the pocket of my coat, the dragon slayer holding me left a small peck on my cheek before leaving back to the snack table with Happy and Igneel.

The two mages looked at the dragon slayer and back to me, "soooo, whens the wedding?" Levy teased, I blushed and smacked the back of her head gently before shaking it off and scoffing. Lucy turned to Levy and shook her head jokingly "what? I mean they might as well be! I doubt Natsu'd ever talk about anyone else like how he talks about her!" I looked over to the two girls, Lucy looked toward Levy with an expression signaling that the girl had a point.

"You can't just say that and not tell me anything!" I whined, the two girls snickered and giggled, Levy placing her hand on Lucy's shoulder. "Well, whenever we go on jobs together or he breaks into my house, the one thing he likes to talk about is how amazing and beautiful you are, how you're incredibly powerful, and hes so lucky for having someone like you, how much he loves you, you guys might as well get married or something its so cute but also so gross" The blonde confessed, I blushed and nervously laughed before Virgo came over telling us it was time to go.


"Oh and before I forget, y/n, Jet and Droy said that while we were all gone your dad sent a guard over to give you this letter! Also Master and First Master are expecting you over at that small bar" I nodded and thanked Levy before walking over.

I took a seat on a bar stool and ordered myself a drink before turning to the masters before me.

"Y/n, you understand how important it is for us to win these games, and for that reason I have enlisted the help of the first master." I looked over to the first master, she motioned for me to come closer to her, whispering in my ear before pulling away. I nodded and grabbed my drink, "that is odd...but if thats what you need me to do then I'll do it" the two grinned at me before waving me off, suggesting that I begin to pack my things since we would be leaving for Crocus tomorrow.

I nodded and took one swing of my drink, finishing it entirely, getting up from the bar stool and walking over to the small campsite we had setup.

I walked into a small tent and pulled the Lacrima piece from my pocket, setting it beside me and opening the letter Levy had given me.

"Dear daughter,

I hope this letter finds you in good health, ive missed you and the little one! Hopefully once you return to crocus for the games I'll be able to see you both again!

Regardless, ive been asked by one of the hosts of the game if you'd like to be on the hosts panel once again this year, i told them that you'd love to as long as it fits around your own schedule (assuming you're participating in the games).

Good luck y/n.

With love,
Your father"

I smiled and closed the letter before opening up the small clear bag with the lacrima piece inside of it.

"How the fuck do i work this?" I questioned, fiddling with the lacrima piece. After a second I had tapped on the side of the lacrima piece, causing it to glow intensely. A small screen appeared before with a selection of names on it, there weren't many, only four.


"Why the hell am I on here?" I questioned, as much as it would benefit me to choose my mother's memories, something compelled me to pick "Renèe".

After a few seconds everything went black, my body felt light, hollow almost.

Soon the light had returned, except I was in a house, it was a small cottage, the room I was standing in was small and a familiar small plush yellow cat rested on the bed.

I looked over and saw the door open suddenly, two people entered, one was a man, about my height with black hair and e/c eyes. The other, was a slightly shorter woman with curly h/c hair and dark eyes.


"I have to go Eric... i could give it to you, to her! You'll be fine, im doing this because I love both of you."

"Renèe please, Elaine needs her mother right now!"

"She's 14 Eric, she'll be okay, I already talked to her about it...she understands. This will pass, you'll be okay." I watched as the man attempted to embrace the woman, but ultimately was stopped by a written enchantment.

"Remember what doctor Seliah said Eric, no close contact."

The man huffed, taking a seat on a chair in the corner of the room.



"Move on, please, i know you...once im gone forget me."

The man was about to speak up again, until a small girl and tall purple haired woman entered the room, holding a suitcase. "Renèe, its time."

The woman nodded, grabbing a cloth and putting it over her mouth and nose. Hugging the small girl quickly, saying a final 'I love you' before turning to the man, completely ignoring the restrictions she had set earlier and embracing him tightly. He left a small peck on her forehead while running his hand through her curls, he cried slightly before saying 'I love you' to his wife.

"Im sorry Eric, I have to go."

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