Part one-chapter ten: ignored it

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Waking up the following morning was awful.

When i had woken up I was hit with a wave of nauseous and an absolutely awful headache, i went into my fridge to get my medicinal herbs to attempt to tame my headache but i forgot that Erza had used them back at the resort to attempt to help Natsu.

I put on my clothes and figured that if i took a few shortcuts I could probably get to the herbs shop fast enough to rid myself of this awful hangover early.

I decided to walk through the park, since the shop was behind the housing district of Magnolia. That is, until i saw Laxus sending a bolt of lightning toward Levy. Luckly, I used my chains to pull Levy beside me and surprisingly, Gajeel took the hit instead.

"Laxus quit it. Leave them alone."

"Ah y/n youve grown stronger since the last time I saw you, good to know"

"Why do you look so creepy? Laxus, are you okay?"

"Tch im fine just pissed about how the old man is running this fucking guild into the ground."

Before I could ask him what he meant, he turned away and put his headphones back on, meaning he was purposefully tuning you out.

"Gajeel I-"

"Just leave me alone...I have work to do..."

"Alright goodnight Lucy!"

"Goodnight n/n! Get home safe!"

I stayed at the bar and watched as the blonde girl left back for her house.

"Hey y/n! Can I read your cards?"

"Um again?"

"Yeah! Cmon we did one for fortune and strength, i wanna see how your doin in the loveeee department"

I laughed softly and sat down at a wooden table , Cana shuffled her cards quickly and held them all out face down in front of me. I grabbed three cards and put them down in-front of me.

"Okay past, from what I can see you were independent but open to love if it came your way...present, things might challenge your current relationship- wait current...y/n!"


"Are you...seeing anyone? And you just haven't told me yet?"

I blushed and looked over to the side, the girl laughed and whispered "you dont have to say who, i already have an idea but...i wanna hear about it later, lets continue!"

I sighed and remade eye contact with the brunette before she continued.

"Alright, future so-ummm..."

"Whats wrong?"

"O-oh! Sorry I got sidetracked um basically what this means is that marriage is a possibility in the near future..."

"How come you guys aren't playing this with Lisanna?"

"Because we havent seen you all week n/n! Youve been training with Laxus and we missed you! Plus...Lisanna got sick so she cant play right now..."

"Okay okay, what am I supposed to do exactly?"

"We're just playing house, that means happy is the baby, im the husband and you' wife"

"Oooh Natsu are you blushing~"

"He liiikes you~"

"Shut it! Thats gonna get old really quickly!"


"Hellooooo? Earth to y/n?"

"Huh? Oh sorry Mira whats up?"

"I just wanted to ask if you wanted to sign up for the miss fairy tail contest this year?"

"Oh yeah sure, are you gonna do it too?"

"Maybe, but if I do I think ill switch it up again this year!"

"Hah well good luck to you, i think im gonna head home, goodnight!"

"Goodnight! Get home safe, make sure you think about your talents for this year!"

I got up from the table and grabbed my satchel that was hanging off the table, i walked out of the guildhall almost entirely forgetting about Cana's reading and thinking about the contest instead.

"Wonder what act I should do for tomorrow?"

"Hey girly"

"Huh? Oh hi Bickslow, what're you doing here?"

"Oh well I was walking around here with Ever but i guess i lost her, where you headed?"

"Fairy hills, im trying to think of what my act for the miss fairy tail contest should be- HEY relax, why'd you grab me?"

"I need you to listen to me, okay? Once you finish you're act, don't go backstage, please?"

"What the hell why?"

"Um because its been rumored that theres been an intruder at the guildhall, and thats why the thunder legion and Laxus got here early...Master asked us to take care of it just in case it had something do with his son"

"I have to tell the others the-"

"Y-you can't! Ever is going to be guarding the backstage is secret and we need to draw him out with bait, please y/n just stay away from there once you're done, and don't tell anyone."

"Umm, alright, ill leave this to you guys just be careful."

"Gotcha, you have a goodnight y/n"

I walked toward my home, deciding not to interrogate him any further. Part of me felt like something was off but in the end i chose to ignore it, this was Bickslow we were talking about, he would never lie to me. So I ignored it.

Like the idiot i am, i ignored it.

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