Part two-chapter nine: ring to it

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"Tell me, do you want to?" I asked, Natsu looked away for a second, trying his best to focus on something else beside the question I had just asked him.

After a couple seconds he gave in, grabbing my hand off his cheek and holding it in his own. "Duh of course, just I don't know...Cana and Mira were buggin me about it earlier...I wasn't even sure if you'd even want to marry an idiot like me."

"You are an idiot but I would love to marry you one day, maybe not right now though, although the thought of just running out and eloping seems fun, maybe we should wait a little longer hm?" I proposed (haha get it? Ok ok ill stop), Natsu nodded in response before looking up toward the ceiling once again while I admired him briefly. The way the light of moon made his dark onyx eyes glow slightly, the sight of his messy pink hair urged me to remove my hand from his and twirl strands of it in between my fingers. Still, something compelled for me to question him further about his earlier question.

"Hey, you sure thats the only reason? Theres nothing else?" I asked, the male looked away once again, this time biting his lip in order to restrain himself. Natsu looked back down toward me and sighed, "I want more with you" he said, I looked at him confused for a second before he spoke again.

"I want to have more kids, thats kinda why I asked you about the marriage thing... I want more but only if its with you."

"How many?"

"Counting Igneel, two more tops, but If you dont want anymore thats fine, its up to you-"


"Wha- okay?"

"Im okay with that, but lets do that after we get married, kay?" I suggested, Natsu nodded eagerly before leaving quick kisses all over my face, causing me to giggle in response.

"But so help me Mavis, Natsu Dragneel if you make me carry twins I will strangle you."

"Yes mam!" He complied, the two of us laughed it off before cuddling up to each other, we stayed that way until I heard snores come from the male beside me. I smiled before turning so that way my back was pressed against his chest, his arms instinctively wrapped themselves around me, pulling me closer.

Y/n Drgneel has a nice ring to it.


"Your Majesty, Mr. Yajima and chapati insist you wear your formal wear for the games today, ive left it in the infirmary of ya guild for ya mum" I thanked Bunty before running out toward the Infirmary, once I had gotten there I took off the shirt and tight pants I was wearing and Instead exchanged it for a short light blue and silver dress, as well as a tiara with the same color scheme. Once I was done I walked in the direction of the commentators panel, I attempted to pick up the pace a bit but I ended up being stopped by the heels I was currently wearing.

I quickly pulled the red curtain and sat down at the panel, apologizing to Chapati for my late arrival.

"Oh its no problem at all your majesty, Mr. Yajima and I are just happy you could join us! Veryone please give a large welcome to the eldest princess of Fiore!" Chapati announced, soon the stadium filled with cheers and whistles before it soon began to quiet down, I thanked everyone before allowing for Chapati to continue the announcements before commencing todays activities.

"Our first challenge of the day is called 'chariot', the representative of each team race through Crocus to the Domus Flau atop moving wagons, after this challenge her Majesty will swap places with our very special guest Jason from Sorcerer weekly!  Anyway, good luck to the participants!" Everyone turned their attention to a lacrima screen, I couldnt help but laugh at the lineup.

"What seems to be the problem young L/n?" Yajima asked, I giggled slightly before adjusting the microphone slightly. "Well Mr. Yajima, thre of these participants are dragon slayers...dragon slayers are known to have very serious motion sickness to the point where they can barely move a finger on a moving vehicle. Two of those dragon slayers I happen to know personally, so this will certainly be interesting..." I nervously laughed, Yajima grinned and nodded, turning his attention back to the screen. I looked over to the viewing area to see everyone in fairy tail shocked, even though I had played it off in a comedic manner I was fairly concerned for it.

After what seemed like an eternity, Natsu and Gajeel had managed to finish the race in 6th and 7th place respectively. I sighed and clapped along with the other panelists, i said my temporary goodbyes and walked off the panelist balcony. Arcadios followed behind me, escorting me toward the race participants rest area. There, I was met by a certain blonde girl, carrying one of the strongest members of our guild on her back.

Once she had made eye contact with me, she stood there waiting for me to walk over. Once I did so, the girl handed me the pink haired male.

"You take him, im not dealing with this y/n"

I sighed and hoisted the heavier male over my shoulder, carrying him back to the infirmary where Porlyusica was waiting, with a remedy for both him and Gajeel.

"Im never doing that again" he slurred, resisting the urge to vomit on me "but I've gotta admit the view is prettyyy niceee" I laughed in response to his statement and continued to walk toward the Infirmary, right outside our son was waiting for his father, hoping to lift his fathers spirits a bit.

Wendy opened the door, leading me toward a bed allowing for me to put down Natsu. After doing so Wendy proceeded to heal him, all while Igneel and I sat in a chair on the opposite side of the small girl.

In order to keep his father from passing out Igneel decided to inflate his fathers ego, telling the older male about how awesome his speech was. Natsu smiled and ruffled his sons hair with whatever strength he could muster, ultimately passing out immediately after.

Igneel chose to stay with his father while I spoke to Porlyusica briefly about my personal dilemma, I explained to her about the incident last night. In response, Porlyusica asked for me to hand her the supposed lacrima piece for further examination, I agreed and handed her the piece.

I walked back over to the bed Natsu was laying in, not at all surprised to see his blue exceed and son cuddled up beside him. I left the room quickly and motioned Reedus over from the end of the hallway, I pointed toward the sight and handed him a small bag of jewels, he then proceeded to take out his brush and beginning to paint. I rested my back against the wall, eventually Arcadios had returned in the room and motioned me out into the hallway.

"Your highness, the minister is calling for you."

"Huh? For what?"

"Im not sure, he said it was classified to only you and the king" he informed me, I nodded and looked out from the doorway of the guilds balcony and saw the second fight had just barely started. I nodded to myself and followed Arcadios out of the Arena and toward the castle.

A fairy's tale|| natsu x readerWhere stories live. Discover now