Part one-chapter twelve: you need me, right?

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The master frantically looked around the guild hall before being interrupted by a sudden beep from the enchantment Freed had sent. I got up from the table i was sitting at and walked over and read the scripture "beginning jet vs droy vs alzack..." Master came up beside me and read the scriptures for himself before punching the enchantment. "What the hell do they think they're doing?" "Master don't be too upset Freed probably has traps all over the place..."

"How would you know that y/n"

"Freed used to use that technique when I would train with the thunder legion..."

"Well then what're you doing n/n get out there and fight for me!" A certain dragon slayer shouted, "now hold on there boy." The master said, causing Natsu to turn and look behind him. "In all honesty, y/n might be the only one here strong enough to put up a fight against laxus. With Erza being petrified, you bound by the enchantment, and mystogan out for the day, y/n is most likely the only chance we have. We cant risk her getting stuck in one of those traps."

Natsu continued to whine about how he couldn't go fight because of the enchantment, Gajeel entered the room shortly after the discussion with master and was surprised to see that he too was bound by the enchantment.

"Thats it" the pink haired boy stated, the master and i turned to face him "now boy just what do you think you're doing?!" "Isnt it obvious? Im gonna use my magic to get Erza up"

I watched as Natsu put a flame towards the redhead and grinned mischievously, that is, until the stone cracked. Master and the two dragon slayers panicked while I stood there watching as the pyro apologized, until he was met by a very annoyed and angry woman.

"Now if you'll excuse me, i have a bone to pick with a certain fairy."

The four of us bid the woman goodbye and looked toward the enchantment one again. "Holy shit, over half the guild has been wiped out" i whispered, Master muttered to himself continuously before sitting down at one of the tables.

I took off my overcoat and left it on one of the tables, i walked over to Gajeel and tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey can I talk to you? In private?" I asked, the dragon slayer nodded while Happy and Natsu attempted to raid the kitchen.

"Whats goin on squirt?"

"I-um...when we were kids...did i ever tell you anything about my past?"


"So what's your story squirt?"

"My momma died a two years ago...we used to live where the palace is, then a lady sent me here with a foster family...they hurt me a i ran away"

"Geez how old are ya squirt?"

" turning eight soon though"

"Well listen here, i promise ya ain't gonna get hurt when you're with me!"


"Hello? Earth to Gajeel?"

"Huh? Oh...yeah you did tell me some stuff..."


The black haired man sat down on a barrel, patting on the one beside him, telling me to sit down. "When we met, you told me you were put into a foster family after you're mom died. At that point you said she had been dead for two years..."

Gajeel looked at me, he looked concerned, i smiled softly at him and nodded. He sighed softly before continuing. "You said that they had hurt you a lot, I remember once when we were cleaning i bumped into you on accident. When i went to ask if you were okay, you cried about how sorry you were and how you'd make it up to me in whatever way i made me sick, at that point I thought of you as my little sister and i wanted to hurt whoever did that to you...regardless, you did tell me one other thing, you said you were from the Capitol, not exactly sure exactly where but thats what you said"

I was about to ask if he knew more before Natsu had run up to us. He told us that the girls were safe now and how the master wanted to talk to Gajeel, he also said that it was time for me to go. Gajeel waved me goodbye and walked over toward the master, leaving Natsu and I alone.



The pink haired boy turned to face me and pulled me into his chest, "be careful...i know you're a lot stronger than me and you'll beat him but still, you guys are pretty powerful...i don't know what I'd do if you got hurt"

I smiled and looked up toward the pink haired boy and wrapped my arms around the boys neck and leaned in, instead of a kiss i was met with his index finger on my lips.

"What the hell Natsu?"

"Nope kisses are for after you win, go kick ass n/n, good luck!"

I scoffed and smiled and walked out toward the exit of the guild hall. Waving a small goodbye to the Master, Gajeel, Natsu and Levy.

"Where are ya goin squirt?"

"To fight Laxus, dont worry ill save something for you two dummies"

"Child, dont you think its too soon I'd rather not have something happen-"

"Master, with all do respect, we need as much power against Laxus as we can get, you said you need me, right?"

"Well yes but-"

"Ill be careful, promise."

"Good luck, please do be careful"

"Of course"

I smiled and left the guild hall, although i was wearing heeled boots it wasnt too difficult for me to run. From a distance I saw a bolt of lightning shoot from the church, found you.

"Here i come Laxus. Hope you're ready."

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