Part two-chapter eight: do you want to?

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"Im okay, relax, just a little tired is all"

"Bein tired doesnt make ya bleed or faint y/n."

Natsu walked with me towards the rest area while Arcadios walked Igneel back to where the guild was waiting. I sighed and walked into Porlyusica's office, listening to her bombardment of questions and answering each and every one of them. All while Natsu was seated beside me, clutching my hand.

"Y/n would you allow for me to observe you as you use the Lacrima piece? Im suspicious that the pieces are causing these out of character episodes."

"Right now?"

"Preferably, yes."

I nodded and grabbed the lacrima piece and felt a sharp pain in my arm while Porlyusica placed something on my forehead. I rubbed the lacrima piece and slowly felt myself return to the way I had felt the first time using the piece.

I slowly felt my eyelids become heavier, and everything went dark. When I opened them again a face from the memories of my grandmother appeared, standing in front of a large tube, with someone inside, another woman soon approached her, speaking to me.

Said woman walked to me, kicking me in the face before everything went dark again.

An electric feeling circulated throughout my body, causing me to shoot up from the bed I was laying in, sweat covering my body.

Porlyusica and Natsu both looked at me in a concerned manner, Natsu grabbing a cold rag from a bowl and placing it on my forehead. Porlyusica tapped on the lacrima screen and turned it to the two of us, "do you recognize those two women?" "Yes." "Who are they to you?"she asked, I sat up completely in the bed, holding the piece in my bloody hand.

"I only recognized one woman, the other one was only a silhouette. The woman I recognized...I forgot her name but she appeared in a vision I had of my grandmothers life when I had used the first lacrima piece. She was a doctor." I explained, Porlyusica looked at me and nodded grabbing bandages off a counter and cleaned my gashes, wrapping my hand up before dismissing the two of us.

Natsu helped me up and walked me out toward where the rest of the guild was, Levy and Gajeel walked in right after us, saying that they had left Igneel with Lily back at the inn since he was tired. I thanked the two of them before nudging Natsu to do so as well, once he did the two of us sat down in the back, where Gajeel and Levy had joined us.


Everybody was back at the inn, partying. I sighed and continued to walk throughout the city, up until I reached the palace. A few guardsmen greeted me politely before I walked in, face to face with Aracadios.

"Your highness, his majesty is in his office. However I must warn you he has a guest over."

"Thank you Arcadios, im sorry for the episode earlier."

"Its fine your highness, as long as you are alright." He stated, I smiled and continued to walk toward my fathers office.

"Oh. You."

"Its nice to see you too Minister Darton"

"Your father is conducting business at the moment, perhaps you should go run off with your unlawful gaggle of cretins." I rolled my eyes and walked toward my fathers office, knocking in the door gently before I heard a soft "come in" from the other side of the door.

I walked in and greeted my father politely before turning to an older couple seated in front of him.

"Ah ive always wondered what became of you."

"Im sorry do I know you?"

"Father, please."

"Toma, you may be king but i am still your father. I never would have imagined you'd reconnect with this bastard child."

I clenched my fist and forced a smile, turning back to my father and handing him a small envelope.

I bid everyone goodbye and left, I wasn't going to allow myself to waste energy on being upset or petty. I walked out of the palace and back to the inn, I was never scared of walking alone at night but tonight was different...

A few street lamps flickered, dimming the light of the pavement in front of me. I continuously checked behind me and used my magic to create a chained blade, just as a precaution.

I continued walking until I heard the sound of shuffling coming from a bush outlining a flower bed, instead of choosing to investigate I ran. I didn't stop running until I sudden felt my body move on its own, like something was pulling me. I tried my hardest to resist, but still, my body refused. Suddenly I took off one of my shoes and threw it at a window, causing it to break. Multiple pieces of glass fell down onto the street, I then walked toward one of the pieces of glass and picked it up, blowing on it and watching as small dust particles flew off it. I inspected the glass and noticed a few carvings in it that I didn't understand.

My body then fell limp, my knees buckled in response, i fixed myself and put the glass into my pocket before walking inside the inn to see most of my friends drunk and passed out or just passed out. I walked over to a small table, I smiled at the sight of Igneels sleeping face over his father's shoulder. I walked over to the two and smiled at the older pink haired man, he returned the expression, carrying his son while standing up and walking with me to one of the rooms.

I opened the door to the kids room, there were six beds in her as well as two inflatable beds. Natsu walked in, tucking our son into the bed gently and quietly, he gently ruffled the smaller boys hair before grabbing a small Happy plush from his backpack and placed it beside him.

I leaned against the doorway, watching from afar as the boy's father whispered something to him before getting up and walking toward me and out of the room. I smiled and whispered a soft goodnight before closing the door behind me, gently as to not wake up the sleeping boy.

Natsu and I walked down the hall toward a large room, the two of us walked into the room, past the large bed and toward the closet beside the bathroom where both our bags were. I took my hair out of my bun that I had done earlier today and let it all down, I stripped from my casual clothes and put on a shirt and baggy pants. I turned to see Natsu sitting up in the bed and making grabby hands toward me while smiling, I giggled softly and walked over to the pink haired mage, sitting down on the bed and allowing for him to grab my waist, pulling me in to lay on top of him.

We stayed that way for a few minutes before I moved off of him and laid on my side, facing him. Natsu pulled me in closer, resting his chin on my head, twirling bits of my hair in between his fingers.



"What if we got married?" He asked, my eyes widened as i looked up toward the pink haired man. He was looking up at the ceiling, thinking before I interrupted him. "Wha- huh? Natsu why're you asking me that?" He dragon slayer blushed before shrugging and apologizing, i laughed and rested one of my hands on his cheek and making eye contact with him.

"Tell me, do you want to?"

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