Chapter 47: The Champion and Child of Zerris

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   After we took up the quest for exterminating monsters in the Cloverland Woods, we soon went west to check it out. The woods were a few miles west from Bruemore City.

It was going to take a while to get there, but thanks to [Fly], a Wind spell, we were able to speed up the travel quite nicely. This spell was very handy when it came to shortening the distance between places.

Thana wanted to ride on the Lawmaster, but I couldn't afford to do that with all the trees in the way. I couldn't even use the Bunker since it was too big to maneuver around the trees.

So, Thana had to suck it up and go into her sword mode while we flew to the Cloverland Woods. It only took about maybe half an hour to get there. If you went on foot, it would take at least a couple hours.

Once we got there, I started looking for our targets. We were supposed to take down three groups of monsters. They were the Shadow Wolves, Stone Grizzlies, and Ogres.

With the help of [Map] and [Monitor], my parallel minds and I started searching for the monsters. It seems that the monsters were in three separate areas.

"Alright, we'll be splitting off into three groups," I informed the others. "Amy and Vlad will go after the Ogres, Arri and Raven will go after the Shadow Wolves, and Thana and I will be hunting the Stone Grizzlies."

After giving out my instructions and also the locations to the Monsters I assigned them, we all head off to our respective targets. The quest said we were to kill at least five monsters each, and according to [Map], there was plenty of them to whittle down.

My target, the Stone Grizzlies, was a couple kilometers away from me. I kept a watchful eye on them and the other monsters with [Map] along with my parallel minds helping me.

I was coming by a couple of them right now, so I went into stealth mode and watched them carefully. There were currently two stone grizzlies. Surprisingly enough, they seem to be having some kind of fight.

They were growling at one another and circling around. Suddenly, they pounced on each other, clawing, and biting the other. This went on for about a minute or so before I got bored of their fight and stepped in.

I rushed at the two bears, who were heavily injured, and swung my weapon down on them. It didn't take long before two of their heads rolled off their bodies.

[These guys aren't all that tough...] Thana grumbled.

[What did you expect from C to B-rank monsters? Seriously, why did pick this quest anyway?] I was still confused as to why Thana chose such a boring quest against these small fries.

[Hmm, I'm not sure. I just...felt like doing this, I guess?]

[That sounds kind of vague, don't you think?]

{Hey, if she wants to fight small fries, let her. As long as she killed something, I'm sure she'll be happy.} It seemed Alpha was on Thana side on this.

[Yeah! Thanks, Alpha!]

{No problem!}

Ignoring them, I took a look at my [Map] to see if there were any nearby Stone Grizzlies. Luckily, I was able to find a total of five of them a couple meters away.


"Crap, there's two people about to get attacked by them," I grumbled as I noticed the two blue dots surrounded by five red dots.

Man, what a pain...I would normally ignore this, but since I'm taking a quest, if I let these people die, the guild will get angry.

To be honest, they can't really do much to me other than take my guild card, and that in itself isn't really a big loss. Still...I'd rather be safe than sorry, so I'm going to have to suck it up and save the people.

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