Chapter 58: The Disbandment and Departure

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"This is too troublesome," Klaus sighed as he sorted through some papers.

It's been a week since that ominous storm and sky made of blood appeared. The cult believed it was a sign from their beloved goddess telling them to prepare for war.

However, the blood-red sky and dark thunderstorm soon disappeared as it showed up. Because of that, some of the cult members believed something seems wrong.

Klaus was one of them. If their beloved goddess was going to start the apocalypse, then the sky and storm would've stayed. Due to this, the Ice Prince has been trying to figure out what exactly is going on.

From what he's confirmed, it doesn't seem the storm was caused by the goddess. Some of Klaus's spies said that the storm and red sky was caused by a Triple S-ranked monarch. Monarchs are creatures that go up the food chain rapidly and get to their highest danger ranking.

If a monster turned into a triple S-ranked monarch, it would be known as a calamity monster. Regular Triple-S ranks are disaster monsters because they don't have the same raw power as a monarch one.

Considering how valid this information was, and knowing the storm from before, Klaus saw no reason to believe this wasn't caused by a Triple S-ranked monarch. The only question was what kind of monster monarch was it.

This information was kept confidential. Not even Klaus's best spies could get any knowledge about it. That only made him want to know more.

Could it have been a monarch made by their beloved goddess? It isn't uncommon for a deity to turn a monster into a monarch, though it doesn't happen as much as the normal ways.

Considering how the knowledge of monarchs isn't some state secret, that meant that whatever monster that turned into a monarch is pretty major. This got Klaus extremely curious about what kind of monster it was.

He had a few theories, but none of them can make the storm and red sky from before. The only thing he could think of was that a deity turned a monster into a monarch. Now, if the deity was their goddess or not was still up for debate.

Regardless, Klaus was sure that their goddess wasn't going to war with the other gods. Although this was disappointing, it might've been better if it didn't happen.

After all, the Cult is a lot weaker than they were back before the War of the Gods happened. Back then, they had a stronger hold over kingdoms, businesses, and such. They had full control over the criminal underworld.

That all changed after the War of the Gods. The Cult believed that they could win the war once their champion arrived...but he never did. So, the Cult was effectively persecuted and nearly became extinct, if they didn't go into hiding when they did.

Thanks to the aftermath of the war, the Cult of Zerris lost their power over the criminal underworld. What was worse than that was they were reduced to this secret society that wasn't much of a threat these days.

The fact that they ended up this way in the first place was a huge insult to the Cult's reputation. They were known for being powerful and fierce, but now, they were less threatening than a bandit group.

This decline troubled many followers of the cult, and some of them blamed their own goddess for not assisting them in the war. Of course, those fools were put to death for such blasphemy.

It was not their goddess's fault. It was the fault of their incompetence. They shouldn't always rely on the goddess's aid to get things done. Their goal was to take over the world and to make their beloved deity the one and only supreme god.

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