Chapter 75: A Godly Gathering

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Once again, I'm stuck in the black void. This is seriously becoming a bad habit whenever I pass out.

Though, usually when I'm here, someone was here with me. Mainly Zerris and Kenos. But, this time, I didn't see either of them.

"What, not gonna congratulate me on finally unlocking [Absolute Domain]? I'm a little offended." Despite saying this, nothing happened. It was quiet as it was dark, which was very.

...Hmm, this is actually too quiet for my tastes. C-could someone please show up already?

"Be careful what you wish for..." I suddenly heard a voice behind me, though it sounded familiar.

Turning around, I then saw the source of the voice Standing in front of me was...myself. Though, he looked a little different.

You know how my main color for my outfits were black? Well, this guy wore the opposite of me. Everything he wore was white...but it was dirty white instead of bright white. Hell, even his hair was white, which was really off.

What was he, my polar opposite or something? The white version of me smiled as I stared at him in confusion.

"You know, pranking me like this is uncalled for Kenos." I figured this was just Kenos playing a prank on me, but something told me otherwise.

"Heh...I'm not that brat, kid," He sneered at me. "Of course, that's irrelevant right now."

"Huh? The hell does tha-augh?!" The white version of me cut me off my piercing my chest with his hand.

And evil smile stretched across his face as he did this. I wasn't feeling any pain, but this did catch me by surprise.

"Since you want to be congratulated for what you've done, allow me to do the honors. Good're one step closer now."

"O-one step...closer to what?" I interrogated, confused by what he meant.

"The end of it all...Hahahahaha!" The white version of me then laughed maniacally while pulling his hand out of my chest.

I wasn't bleeding, but there was a big hole in my chest now.

"I'll see you soon, boy. Wait until then." The white version of me said before walking away.

"H-hey, what the hell did you mean by that?!" I ran towards him to further question him, but before I could reach the bastard, I started falling.

As I fell, White Me glanced behind him and smiled again. It was a very...disturbing image that was burned into my mind.

The next thing I knew, everything went dark and I finally crashed on the ground.

"Oof!" I groaned, feeling like I woke up from a bad dream, which I guess I just did.

There seemed to be something covering me, but I couldn't see anything. It felt like I was covered in a blanket. Taking off whatever it was, I was finally able to see.

The moment I could see, I noticed something. "I'm in my room..."

The fact that I was in my room meant I just fell out of my own bed. And that blanket covering me before was my blanket.

But wait, how come I was in my room? The last thing I remember was fighting Famine and...w-what the hell?!

Suddenly, my senses were assaulted with multiple scents, tastes, sounds, and even images. I could smell multiple odors all around my room. Some were pleasant while some were just downright disgusting.

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