Chapter 55: The Invasion Part 4

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"What in heavens was that?!" Pope Theo exclaimed after feeling the earth shake beneath his feet.

"I-I'm not sure..." Uriel said, looking around as if he spotted an enemy.

During the time that the vortex which would soon be named The Maelstrom of Chaos, the entire world felt its presence. However, no one knew at the time what it was.

The only thing people knew at the time was this swirling black tube going up to the sky. The ocean blue sky was dyed blood red, and the very earth itself shook immensely. Then there was the massive amount of negative energy polluting the very air.

No one was sure what was going on, but nearly everyone felt this aura of hate and anger accumulating around them. It was practically suffocating.

Uriel was feeling this aura of malice a lot more than most people in his country. There was something familiar about this energy being emitted around them. And that only made him more nervous.

"Hey, did you guys feel that?" Garrett, who was currently in the Church along with a couple other Cardinals, went over to check on Pope Theo after the tremor and aura of malice.

"Yeah, I did. It's not good," Uriel said, making sure that things were more or less under control now.

"What do you think it was?"

"I'm not sure," Uriel pondered. "But, it's likely nearby."

"Your highness!" A soldier shouted as he barged into the church.

"What's wrong?! Are we under attack?" The pope urged.

"N-no, it's the sky..."

"The sky?" Garrett asked. "What's going on with the sky?"

"Y-you must see for yourself! Please hurry!"

Both curious and worried about what was wrong with the sky, the trio decided to follow the soldier to go outside. When they did, though...

"By the gods..."

"Holy mother of..."

"What in the world..."

All three of them were dumbfounded by the blood-red sky looming over there. It wasn't just the red sky but also the ominous thunderclouds that was striking purplish thunderbolts down on their land.

It was like the end of the world was happening. There was nothing but pure chaos and mayhem happening both in the sky and on the ground. People were panicking, and the soldiers around the castle and church were preparing for an invasion.

"What on earth is going on here?" Uriel muttered.

"Nothing good..." Suddenly, Cora appeared with Venus by her side as they approached them.

"Goodness, this is quite chaotic, isn't it?" Venus said, looking up at the sky with a pale complexion.

"I'm assuming you guys felt the earthquake as well?" Uriel asked.

"That's right. We came here to check on his holiness," Cora replied.

"What do you two think is going on?" Garrett asked.

"...Not sure,"

"I'm not quite certain what's happening either, though it's definitely getting out of hand."

"You got no idea," A new voice appeared, revealing the Archangel known as Jophiel. He was standing behind them while looking up at the sky with a sour expression.

"Jophiel..." Uriel muttered. "Do you know what's happening?"

"Unfortunately, I do. Which is why I'm here." Jophiel looked somewhat disturbed by what he was saying and witnessing.

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