Chapter 124: War of Askon Part 4

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War lets out a mighty roar causing the entire city to rumble. Its roar could be heard from miles away, and the fear could be felt just as far.

With each step, the massive white tiger either made a crater into the ground or demolish an entire building and then some. With War roaming around, the citizens of Sage City were running away in fear, all of them running in different directions, trying to escape the giant monster rampaging in their city.

Meanwhile, both the demon lords and the twelve clans look at the scene in horror.

"I-it's the Byakko Guardian..." Ameko gasped.

The Seiryu Head watched the Byakko Tiger on a tall building with wide eyes as it started destroying the city of the Demon Lords. Despite looking at a Guardian of Askon, she couldn't help but feel afraid of it.

The Byakko Guardian radiated hatred and malice. It was was carnage incarnate. While watching, The Suzaku head appeared with a frantic expression.

"Ameko!" Ayuka called her. "We need to contain the Byakko Guardian before things get worst!"

"Y-you're right..." Ameko tried to collect herself as she prepared to fight the guardian of the west.

As the Suzaku and Seiryu Head rushed off, they soon met up with the Genbu Head, who was currently Tsuyoi. She stood on another building and watched the Byakko Guardian with an annoyed expression.

Once the other two heads arrived, Tsuyoi turned to face them.

"Took you long enough," Tsuyoi scowled.

"Not right now, Tsuyoi," Ayuka glared. "What's the situation?"

"Right now, the Byakko Guardian is currently moving aimlessly. It's just moving from one part of the city to the other, causing chaos."

As Tsuyoi said this, the Byakko Guardian raised its paw and slammed it on the ground, destroying multiple buildings in the process. They looked like they were made of sticks when met with the might of the giant tiger's paw.

"We need to contain it," Ameko suggested. "Tsuyoi, how long can Rui contain the Byakko Guardian in a barrier shell?"

Due to the Genbu Head's skill that can create a powerful shell-like barrier, using it to contain The Guardian of the West was her first idea.

"The bigger the target, the weaker the shield," She explained. "And considering that that tiger is bigger than a twenty-story building, I don't think the shell would hold for thirty seconds."

"Tch...!" Ayuka clicked her tongue. "Then, for now, we hold off the Guardian and try to make a perimeter to keep the civilians safe."

"You might as well evacuate the whole city, because we would have to use Sage City as the perimeter, given that thing's size."

What Tsuyoi said was more or less true. They would need a big enough perimeter to keep the Byakko guardian at bay without restricting it too much. In order to do this, evacuating the entire city was the only option.

"Then we do what we can and get people as far away as possible," Ameko concluded. "This is all we can do."

"Right," The Genbu and Suzaku Head agreed.

Not wasting any more time, the three guardians rushed off to go fight their fellow Guardian. While heading over there, Ayuka said something troubling.

"If the Byakko Guardian is free...what happened to Tora...?"

When she said this, both Ameko and Tsuyoi's faces turned grim. The only way for the Byakko Guardian to be free is to separate the Guardian from the vessel. And doing so...can lead to very life-threatening issues.

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