Chapter 115: Training Part 5

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"I'm going to teach you a technique I developed so that you can use your Vampiric Instincts without losing control," Carmilla suddenly explained to Vlad.

After hearing Vlad story and remembering her painful past, The vampire queen decided to impart something on to the young Dhampir. Something that would prove useful to him.

"Is that even possible?" Vlad asked.

"Of course! I used it a lot when I first became the First Vampire."

"And yet you gave in to your instincts in the end..."

"That was my own choice to make. I realized that using that technique was pointless after certain events happened and gave up what little humanity I had left. You, on the other hand, are different."

"How am I different?"

"You despise vampires. That strong hatred for vampires will be the key to mastering this skill I'll be teaching you."

Because of Vlad's disgust for vampires, his will to never turn into them is strong. It's that iron will of his that will be essential in teaching him how to use his vampiric instincts without being consumed by it.

"Let me give you a brief summary of what our vampiric instinct is. It is our very being. What we are. We, vampires, view ourselves as predators or alphas. We kill and eat those weaker than us for that is our nature. It is what we were designed to do. It is very hard to resist this instinct since it's part of us on a genetic level.

"Our kind was birthed through the power of a Chaos Dweller named Vér. I was the first who made contact with this being and was the most powerful when being blessed by it. As my Kin, you carry within yourself a portion of my power, which means you also carry its power.

"Vér was known as the Ruler of Blood and the Night, and we are his faithful followers. We follow his will, and his will is what our instincts are. What Vér wants is what we were designed to do; to destroy and conquer. That is our entire purpose. Our mission."

As Vlad heard this, a part of himself agreed with Carmilla's words. That path of destruction was something that resonated with him. This was his vampire side, slowly creeping in, trying to persuade Vlad of his mission. His true mission.

However, he shook off that feeling, disgusted by what he was thinking about.

"If that's the case, if our instincts were the will of this chaos Dweller, then what are you planning to do to teach me how to use it? Wouldn't I just end up like the rest of you?"

"Well, there are two factors that make you an exception. The first factor is obviously your intense hatred for vampires. You loath us so much that it counteracts your vampiric instincts, the Will of our Blood Progenitor. The second factor is even more important; you're only part vampire, little Dhampir."

At first, Vlad was confused as to how that meant anything, but then he remembered Carmilla saying that a vampire's instinct is a part of them on a genetic level. Emphasis on Genetic.

"My human side is fighting back my vampiric nature," Vlad came to the conclusion, making Carmilla smile.

"Exactly~! You're only half of a vampire, while your other half is that of a human. Your human nature is combating your vampiric instincts. Add your fierce animosity towards vampires, and here's the result."

Vlad could understand what Carmilla was getting at. Due to him being half-vampire, his vampiric nature isn't as strong as with a pure-blood or fully turned vampire. He's able to fight back this detestable desire of his, especially when he loathes vampires so much.

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