Chapter 24: The Cult

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"Status report."

"Subject is currently walking out the mansion."

"He's walking out the mansion? Our sources say the subject can use Teleportation magic, so why bother?"

"Not sure. The subject has another individual with him."

"Really? Who? The girl with the blue hair?"

"Negative. A woman with short purple and blue hair."

"Ah, the Arachne. She could be a problem, though not as much as the blue-haired one. She was able to sense us before, so we had to back off."

"What are your orders?"

"Follow them, obviously. If they're heading to the city, we can proceed with our next step of our plan."

"And what if he refuses to cooperate?"

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it, but I doubt we have anything to worry about. After all, we're both after the same thing."

"Understood. Continuing with the mission."

"Best of luck, and I'll get prepared to meet the boy myself. Until then, make sure that you and your men aren't spotted."

"As you wish...Hmm?"

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing...I just thought I heard growling."

"Probably the monsters. The forest is full of them, which made the mansion even harder to get to. I'll leave you to it, then."

"Yes, understood."


Since I was going to spend the rest of the day with Arri, I decided that we walked to the city the normal way and walked. It wasn't far, and the monsters are hardly an issue, so there wasn't anything to worry about.

Plus, the longer Arri and I walked together, the happier she got. I guess she really wanted to spend time with me. Thinking about it made me guilty for neglecting her after promising to take her out to the city.

Hopefully, doing this will make it up to her, which so far it is. Though, something tells me it isn't going to last very long. What with somebody spying on us.

Back at the mansion, I noticed that someone was watching us from outside. I wasn't sure who it was until I used my new spell [Map]. Since our little spy was close enough, I was able to detect and appraise him.

The spy's name was Yuri Brooks. He's an Assassin Class who was around A-rank, which means his stats were between five hundred thousand and a million. Although he wasn't much of a threat stats-wise, his skills were a different story.

Since his class was Assassin, his skills mostly consisted of assassin-related abilities like [Dagger Arts: Mastery], [Shadow Step], [Assassinate], [Stealth], and [Dark Magic]. His Dagger Arts skill was quite worrisome since he seemed to have mastered it.

Thankfully, I was still able to detect him with [Map]. Plus, I was able to sense him earlier, so his [Stealth] skill didn't really do much against me.

If he had [Hide Presence], I likely wouldn't have been able to sense him. Plus, according to Desmond's notes on the [Map] spell, it wouldn't work on [Hide Presence]. Luckily, the skill was about as rare as [Appraisal], [False Status], and [Detection], so I likely wouldn't encounter many people with those kind of skills.

Aside from our friend Yuri, it seems that he has company with. There were about eight other spies, excluding Yuri, which made nine spies in total.

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