Chapter 93: The Tour of Tengoku Part 1

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"Concentrate, master," Amy told me.

"Got it."

"In order for you to master [Absolute Domain], you need to work on your stamina and mana consumption when using it."


It was currently morning in the city of Tengoku. The moment I woke up, I decided to practice with [Absolute Domain], so I got Amy and Kenos to help me out.

We were currently sitting in the boy's room. We were in meditating positions and Amy was instructing me on using [Absolute Domain], or at least how to mitigate the effects when I use it.

Vlad and the others were looking around the temple while Zemmi left to go visit the previous emperor's grave. She said she'll be back after having some alone time.

"Now, boy," Kenos said. "Imagine the mana within your body swirling around within you."

I did as I was told and imagined the mana in my body moving around inside. The only image that could fit well with this would be my blood flowing within my body.

"Good," Amy said. "Next up is slowly releasing your mana and using it to form something. We'll start small and just have you conjure up a small flame."

This much was easy, though the "slowly releasing" part was a bit difficult since I've never really practiced using a little bit of mana when using spells and such. But, if this helps with me managing [Absolute Domain], then I'll have to try.

I imagined the mana flowing in my body slowly pouring out of my hands. Then, I tried turning that mana into a flame by imagining a small flame being formed.

It didn't take long before a small fire formed in my hands. So far, so good.

"Excellent work, boy," Kenos applauded. "Now, this is where things get difficult. Manipulate that flame into whatever you wish."

Manipulate it into whatever I was, huh? Thanks to [Absolute Domain], I no longer have to use skills or spells the same I normal people do.

All I need to do is imagine what I want to do, and it happens. If I want to go from point A to point B, I can do that by summoning a portal without using the [Gate] spell in a traditional sense.

All I need is my imagination and mana to make it work. No chants or anything like that. So, since I can just do that, let's do some tests with it.

Seeing the flame in my hands, I tried to change it into something else. My first thought was a flower, so I tried doing that.

It worked out like a charm. The flame flickered for a few moments before turning it what appeared to be a rose, which was the first type of flower that came to mind.

Getting the hang of it, I decided to turn it into something else. Suddenly, the flaming rose flickered and changed into a flaming skull. The sight was something to behold.

I then kept changing the fire into different forms like a horse, dragon, a chair, among others. I got so into it, that I didn't hear Amy or Kenos calling out to me until they shouted my name.


"H-huh?" Losing focus from Amy, the flame in my hands died out.

"Geez, it seems you got too into manipulating the flame, huh?" Kenos sighed. "But, this was still good practice. How do you feel?"

"Hmm..." I raised my hands up and opened and closed them. "I feel fine."

I didn't feel tired or weak at all like I usually did when I used [Absolute Domain]. I guess only using a little bit of mana like I did wasn't that big a deal.

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