Chapter 53: The Invasion Part 2

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"My, my, those soldiers are marching rather quickly towards the village," Sirena marveled as she watched the Amarian soldiers began marching over to the village where the Child of Zerris resided.

Before the invasion started, Aarc came back to the others and informed them that he did his part. They then got the necessary preparations to watch the show via Ghoul Birds.

One of them was currently flying near the Amarian Soldiers heading over to the village. When Aarc told Darron to gather his forces, he wasted no time in doing so.

Since Darron was the closest to the village, being on the far eastern side of the country, he'd be able to make it to the village in no time. It's one of the reasons why Aarc chose Darron in the first place.

"What do you think will happen?" Sirena asked.

"Good questions," Aarc said. "Emilia, how are the Cult members faring? Are they at the village yet?"

"They are. They're mostly scouting at the moment and trying to surround the village." Emilia said while watching another orb through the eyes of another Ghoul Bird.

"I see," Aarc pondered. "In that case, I suspect that the Cult group will cause some chaos in the village, likely kill a couple villagers to make a point in giving them the Child of Zerris."

"You think Ethan Cadell will get involved?" Emilia asked.

"I have no doubt he would," Lucian spoke up. "Since his family's in trouble, he'll definitely get involved."

"Hmm," Aarc had no doubt that Ethan would get involved, though he hoped that the situation goes the way he wants.

As they continued to watch both orbs that showed the two armies, the invasion soon started.

Morrow was shouting out his introduction to the villagers. The people looked on with worry and kept their distance.

An old man and some other villagers approached the group. They were likely trying to get the cult to leave, sadly that didn't end well.

"Wow, those black knights killed them without a second thought," Sirena said while watching some of the villagers fall to the ground dead.

"Morrow's in a bit of a hurry," Aarc stated. "I informed him that the Amarian Kingdom was closing in on the Child of Zerris."

"So, you could get him a head start in the chaos?" Emilia asked.

"That's right." Knowing Morrow, Aarc knew that the guy would rush in headfirst without a second thought. Unlike most administrators, he wasn't one to think ahead when it matters.

"Oh, it looks like the Amarian Soldiers are getting closer," Sirena informed the others.

"Yes, they're a couple kilometers away. It won't be long before they arrive."

Over on the Amarian side, Darron's forces were closing in on the village. Sirena and the others noticed that some of them were flanking either side of the village, likely to surround the place. It won't be long before they get started.

"Ethan just made his move," Lucian announced.

"Huh, I heard that he could use light magic, but I didn't expect a blinding tactic," Aarc marveled at Ethan's strategy.

He first blinded the cult members and then cut down a couple of them. Aarc and the others didn't see him actually kill them because they were blinded as well, but with four to five dead cult members on the ground, after the light faded, it was obvious.

"Why didn't he go after Morrow?" Sirena asked.

"It's possibly because of him being an administrator," Aarc replied. "Due to his reputation and power, Ethan's likely being cautious around him."

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