Chapter 11: The Secret Library

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"You guys found a secret entrance? Awesome!" Thana excitedly jumped up and down after hearing about what we discovered.

After discovering the secret staircase leading underground in the library, we gathered some people around the Mansion to inform them about this. The people currently with us were Thana, Arri, Kenos, Van, and Zemmi.

It was in the middle of the morning, so Zemmi just showed up at our place, which is why she was here. We decided to hold off telling everyone about this until the morning.

Anyway, when we told the people with us about the secret entrance, there was a mixture of different reactions. Thana was obviously excited, Van was intrigued by it, Arri was a somewhat curious about it, Zemmi seemed to be pondering something, and Kenos didn't seem to care all that much.

The first Elder yawned at the whole situation. "I don't see what exactly is so special about this secret entrance. It's just leading you someplace underground, is it not?"

"We don't know what exactly is down there," I explained. "Since the first owner who made the place was a Champion and someone from my world, he likely has something secret and major kept there."

"Damien's right," Zemmi agreed with me. "Desmond Graves was the Champion of the Forge, meaning he was able to forge weapons and such. With his otherworldly knowledge, he could've made weapons with such power that a single one of his inventions could destroy a country."

Holy crap. Was Graves even capable of making something like that? I mean, I know he's the Champion of the forge, but there's no way he could or even would build something so destructive, right?

Now that I think about it, my world was a lot more advance, technology-wise, then this one, so there were a lot of inventions that could both benefit and destroy this world. Just thinking about it is giving me the chills.

Part of me wants to just close up that entrance and pretend that it was never even there, but another part of me wanted to know what was inside there. If Desmond really did have something powerful enough to destroy a country, then I need to make sure it's safe and not in the hand of some lunatic.

Just so you know, I'm not doing this because I'm worried about people getting hurt. I'm worried that I'll get dragged into it one way or another, and that's too much of a hassle for me. I just got here, and whatever is down there was likely missing since before I arrived, so it's not really my problem about who or what had it.

But, again, I might somehow get dragged into it, and I refuse to allow that. So, my decision was made when I came to this kind of thinking.

"Since we don't know what's down there that Desmond made, we need to check it out and make sure that nothing is missing. Otherwise, we'll have trouble to deal with in the future."

Once I said this, the majority of the people wore grim faces. Kenos, on the other hand, wasn't all that fazed. Honestly, I don't know why I included her if she's not gonna give a crap about a situation like this.

Ignoring Kenos, I returned to the situation at hand. "We'll be going down those steps sometime today to see what's in store for us. For those who want to join, raise you hands. For those who want to stay, don't. And as for those who are staying, your job will be to evacuate the mansion to make sure that whatever happens, no one will get caught in the crossfire. We'll let you know when everything is clear."

"You can count me in!" Thana raised her hand with glee.

"I'm a little curious about what's down there, so I'll gladly join you, master." Seems like Arri was also in.

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