Chapter 36: Face-Off

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   "I'm surprised you caught up to me. And with the real me, no less." Despite having a mask, I could somehow see him smiling under it, like he was taunting me.

What did he mean by the real him? Was he using an illusion spell to through me off?

{That's right, Damien. It seemed Drake used Illusion Magic so he could run off. Thanks to [Monitor] and that distortion, we were able to tell them apart.}

Apparently, Drake made an illusion duplicate to use to steer me away from the real Drake. Sadly, that backfired because of one thing. That Elder Item he was holding on to.

Since it allowed him to block any detection spells or skills, the Spell [Monitor] can only pick up a distortion of space where Drake was. This didn't apply to his duplicate, who was in plain view of [Monitor]. This was what kept me from losing track of the real Drake Mirage.

I gotta say, I was impressed, but I'll compliment my parallel minds later. Right now, I had a masked bastard to deal with.

"You're a hard man to find, Drake," I spoke to him, a little irritated. "Sadly, this is as far as you go."

Even now, I was using a barrier spell to keep both of us inside. He wasn't going to escape me so easily.

"Oh, I wouldn't say that. I mean, I could've easily escaped you when that bird flew in front of you." He tilted his head, clearly sneering at me. It was pissing me off, if I was being honest.

"So that bird was your doing, huh? And the snake?" The green snake that slithered around the adventurer's head had to be him.

"Guilty as sin!" He bowed at me with such enthusiasm that he really did look and acted like a showman. "Also, it was quite clever when you prolonged that fight with the adventurers so you could draw me out. An amateur wouldn't have noticed, then again, I'm not some two-bit rookie, now, am I?"

So he knew, huh? That must mean he knows that I have detection abilities to track him. Which also means that he knew I could've easily dispatched those adventurers too.

I'm starting to see what Drake was doing now. He was evaluating me. Trying to see what I was capable of to plan his next move.

Still, his overall behavior was rather erratic. Incredibly mischievous as well. It was almost...intimidating.

Brushing off his act, I steeled myself and spoke to him. "Why are you doing this? Who hired you?"

I know that Drake was a sort of hitman, so I also know that he wouldn't go through all this trouble unless someone paid him to. And I'm pretty sure who it is.

"Sadly, I can't really discuss about my clients. It would be against my code, and I take that very seriously."

"A hitman with a code, huh. Forgive me if I'm a little surprised." Let's see if I can rile him up. Anything to get him off his game, which he was confidently on right now.

"The same can be said about you, Zerris's Champion," Drake's tone changed from a passionate voice to a cold one. I could practically feel his icy words directed at me. "Tell me, what's the Champion to the goddess of Darkness doing helping people? Is it all just an act or do you actually care?"

"...Sadly, I can't really discuss that." Since this bastard was messing with me, I was going to do the same thing."

There's something about this guy. I don't know why, but I can feel a deep anger inside him. It's not directed at me, but he's practically radiating that aura of rage. I tried to ignore it so I could get some answers.

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