Chapter 16: The Office of Desmond Graves

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   After opening up the big stone double doors, we were introduced with a very messy room. There were piles of papers and books all over the place to the point where I couldn't even tell what kind of room it was.

Miraculously, I was able to see what looked to be a desk on the right side of the room, a bookshelf next to it with a couple more on the wall in front of us. There were a couple chairs, both office-like and luxury-like with cushions and such.

Both the desk and chairs were covered with papers and books as well. Geez, this place was practically a pigsty. When was the last time Desmond cleaned this place...oh, right.

Since he's dead, there was no way for him to clean up. I'm guessing that when he went out, he believed that he would return and didn't think about picking up after himself.

Judging from how messy this room was, he was probably working on a lot of things that he was too busy to organize everything. Slowly walking into the room, I bent down and picked up one of the sheets of paper on the ground. The paper looked more golden brown than white, which lead me to believe that the paper aged for quite a while.

When I took a look at it, I had no clue what was written. I mean, I could read it fine, but the words made no sense, and it's structure looked different. It looked more like some kind of math formula than anything. In fact, from what I learn from Amy's magic lessons, this could be some kind of magic spell formula.

Is it possible that he was trying to create new spells? I'll have to get Amy to look at this stuff later to see if my theory was right.

Placing the weird paper back where I found it, I continued looking around the room with the others. We had to mind our surroundings to make sure that we didn't kick over the piles of paper at our feet.

"This place really is a mess," Vlad commented while looking around.

"Yeah. You'd think that Desmond would be a little bit more organized," Zemmi replied.

"Well, he's dead, so let's try to not bad mouth him." I know that's a lot coming from me, but I can't really judge the guy.

As we continued to look around the room, I soon made it to the desk filled with papers and books. Once I got close enough, I realized that there wasn't just papers and books that piled up there. I also noticed a computer, a monitor, and a keyboard.

No way, he even made these too? Curious about what else was here, I carefully moved all the papers out of the way to where I can get a better look. Once the desk was clean enough so that I could actually see the desk in person, I saw something that caught my eye.

It was some kind of metal plate. It was about the size of my hand. I couldn't tell what the metal was, but the color was a metallic silver.

What in the world is this thing? My [Danger Sense] skill isn't going off, so I guess it's not some bomb or something. Still, this thing has to be something special, right?

After fiddling with it for a couple moments, I seemed to have pressed some kind of button which created some kind of opening at the center, projecting a light in my face. I quickly dropped the metal plate and it feel on the desk with a loud bang.

"Damien, you alright?" Vlad and the others heard me drop the plate and rushed over to me, disregarding the papers and books. At least make sure you don't step on them, please. They might be something important.

I looked back at the sphere and noticed that it was projecting a person. The figure was about ten or fifteen centimeters and floating above the sphere. It was a hologram, just like with the relics.

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